Monthly Archives

April 2013

  • A Few Mistakes Made & Lessons Learned

    A Few Mistakes Made & Lessons Learned


    When I was a kid, I thought being an adult was synonymous with being perfect and all-knowing. At age 18, I’d be a perfect being. It was a difficult bubble to have burst. That said, as we get older, we should be getting wiser. Each day is another opportunity to learn from…

  • He Says/She Says: Tracking Packages

    He Says/She Says: Tracking Shipments


    In the He Says/She Says series, we discuss financial-ish topics where we agree to disagree. I don’t know when the “Track Shipment” functionality was introduced to our glorious Interwebs. But if I had the authority to grant holidays in this great land, that day of inception would be forever celebrated.…

  • Stay at Home Editor

    Making Bacon at Home: Editor


    In the Making Bacon at Home series, we interview stay-at-home moms and dads who make money on the side to find out how they make work, well, work. So for the first post, I’m starting with the girl in the mirror: me, myself, and I. The Interviewee Name: Joanna Number…

  • Your American Dream

    Pursuing The American Dream With $0 Down


    When I was, oh, 15 or so, I made a list of characteristics I wanted — no, required — in the guy I married someday. Most of it was really important stuff like “good hair,” “doesn’t look like his mom dressed him,” and “doesn’t have a pet tarantula.” Something that wasn’t…