Monthly Archives

June 2015

  • Two Months

    Monthly Baby Costs: Month Two


    Month two! We’re currently in this strange parenting paradox in which time feels like it’s both crawling and zooming by. On the one hand, bringing Wynn home from the hospital feels like it was at least six months ago. That’s how long it’s been, right? But when I look at Wynn, I…

  • OFB Interviews: Kelli

    OFB Interviews: Budget Takeover


    Happy Friday! We’re excited to share our next installment of our weekly interview series! Our guest is Kelli G., and she’s got a great story, so we’ll let her take it from here. Enjoy! Tell us your story. My husband and I have been married for 3.5 years. We have always…

  • Reader Mailbag

    Reader Mailbag: Ethical Budgeting


    Guess what happens when we get questions from readers? We answer them and/or ask fellow readers to chime in and help! So if you have your own question, click here and shoot it off to us. We’ll do our best to get back to you and give you an answer…

  • Breaking Normal

    Breaking Normal


    Hey guys! We just wanted to pop in and share some thoughts Johnny recently sent out to our secret email list. We got some really awesome, thoughtful responses from it that we wanted to share it with the rest of you, too! (And if you’d like to get similar updates from…