Ready, Set, Here Comes Holiday Spending

Holiday Shopping Already??

From the months of October to December, it seems our spending gets a little cray. We always budget out our spending for Christmas gifts, but there’s a lot more to holiday spending than just the gifts. There’s the decorations, the food, the parties, hosting family, traveling, sending out cards, and…

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OFB: Preparedness Month

Preparedness Month

A few days ago, I officially declared October our month of getting prepared. We’ve spent the last few years becoming financially prepared, but lately we’ve both been feeling like that isn’t enough. I recently read an article on Real Simple that outlines how to stockpile for an emergency, and it…

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It’s Time to Start Backwards Budgeting

Budgeting Backwards

We just wanted to say, “Goodnite” to our good friend Gdub really quick. Okay, that’s actually “budgeting” spelled backwards. Oh, budgeting. We hate to love you, we love to hate you, but we need you. And no matter how many topics we discuss, it always comes back to budgeting. We’ve…

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Sally 1

Johnny just arrived home from yet another business trip, which is partially why I mentioned Monday that I wanted to stay busy… it helps the time speed by while he’s away. Thanks for the great comments on Wednesday’s post about buying a rental before we buy our own place. You’ve…

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