Changing Where I Get My Oil Changed


Hope everyone had a relaxing and fun-filled long weekend! Johnny was in NY for work again last week, so we were just happy to have him back. While he was gone, I woke up to Sally yelling, “Daddy! Daddy! Daddyyyy!” from her crib. Our cat, Persie, tried running away one…

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What’s the Right Age to Buy a Home?

Home Ownership Age

Johnny and I found this graph pretty interesting, so we wanted to share. As you can see, the age for home ownership seems to be going up. The percent of young people who are homeowners today is much lower than the percent of young homeowners a few decades ago. So…

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How to Start Freelancing

Getting Started With Freelancing

We’ve had a lot of questions about how my freelance work is going now that I’ve quit my full-time job. There were a few factors that influenced my decision to quit working full-time. Obviously, Sally was the number one factor since I’d still be working if she wasn’t in the…

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