Monthly Archives

November 2014

  • All I want for Christmas is $$$.

    How We’re Saving Money on Christmas Shopping This Year


    How is it November 19?! Thanksgiving is next week, and then fa-la-la-la-la it’s Christmastime. For the first time in years, I haven’t yet started my Christmas shopping! Johnny always procrastinates his Christmas shopping. But this year? Well, I’m joining his camp apparently. I knew I wasn’t being my normal self…

  • Good, Better, Best

    Good, Better, Best Finances


    Happy Friday, Friends! I don’t know about you, but this week has been crazy busy for our little family. Aside from having baby number two on the way, we have some other big life changes currently happening, so bear with us. We’ll keep you in the loop as soon as…

  • Preparing Financially for Baby #2

    How We’re Preparing Financially for Baby #2


    Thanks so much for all the well wishes regarding our little announcement on Friday! We’re thrilled (albeit a little nervous) to have another baby on the way! Ever since we found out the big news back in August, Johnny and I have had many a riveting financial discussion about what a…

  • Coming in April

    Coming in April…


    In case you missed our Instagram announcement, the OFB household will be growing again come April! We couldn’t be more excited, although we don’t think Sally has a clue that a baby in mommy’s belly means losing her only-child status. Today I’m 18 weeks, so we’re almost halfway there! I…