Work With Us

Work With Us

So here’s the thing. From time to time, we get an email from someone (usually our moms) asking if we’d consider working with them. And while we’re more than happy to answer each of those inquiries via our Contact Us page, you might just find your answer below. So you can stop asking us if we’ll repaint your fence, Mom. (We will.)

Basic Info

  • Our Freaking Budget was birthed in December 2012. Our cat, Persie, contributed nothing to the project.
  • Johnny works as a professional advertising copywriter. He also does freelance graphic design and marketing consulting.
  • Joanna works as a copyeditor for a nonprofit. She also does freelance writing and photography.
  • We’re regular contributors on AOL’s DailyFinance. We’ve also been featured on, The Huffington Post, MSN Money,, Business Insider and other finance-related sites. We’ve never appeared on TMZ.
  • OFB is designed, coded, written and maintained by us.

Site Stats

Recent Stats (as of January 2015)
131,000 monthly hits
58,000 monthly unique visitors
2,200 subscribed readers
3,600 social followers


Want to see your website, blog or shop featured on OFB? We do, too!* We’re pretty open to ad sizes, but we generally accept 300×250 and smaller. For rates and inquiries, send us a message.

*Unless of course you run a shady business or website that doesn’t jive with our standards. Or you want to display an ad featuring a shirtless David Hasslehoff. There is such a thing as too much Hoff.

Sponsored Posts

If your product/service and our blog are a match made in heaven, we’d love to chat about sponsored post/review opportunities. We don’t allow third-party written sponsored posts, and we only write views that are our own. And whenever possible, we like including a giveaway for our readers. Contact us if you’re interested in working together!

Freelance Writing

It goes without saying that we like to write, and that includes writing for other people. If you have a particular project, column or publication that you’d like us to write for, we’d love to chat.

Anything Else

Got another idea? We’d love to hear it. Drop us a line and we can chat.