Side Gigs

  • Yo! Tell Us How You Make Money From Home

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    Help us help you (and us) bring home a little more bacon. We posted the form below a few months back, but we wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to contribute. So here’s what we’re asking: if you’ve ever made money working from home (or a side gig…

  • We Quit in 2013!

    That’s It, We’re Quitting Our Jobs (Kinda Sorta)


    Welp, 2013 started off with a bang. We added a “mini us” to our family. Just with adding Baby Girl to our insurance and keeping her dressed and diapered (which apparently doesn’t prevent her from still peeing on us) we’re guaranteed a couple hundred extra dollars in expenses each month.…

  • Stay at home mom income

    Part-Time Jobs for Full-Time Parents


    When Johnny and I were first discussing starting a family, the topic of finances was a natural thought-starter. We were both working full time, and we started asking ourselves some questions for if/when we had a baby: Would one of us quit working and stay home? Would we both keep…