Monthly Archives

September 2015

  • OFB Interviews: Megan

    OFB Interviews: $55,000 of Debt Slaying


    Happy Friday! We know it was a short week, but Johnny and I are both exhausted, like falling asleep standing up exhausted. But we’re super excited for the great interview in store for all of you today. There’s not a better way to start your day than with some good ol’…

  • Healthcare Conundrum

    Our Healthcare Conundrum


    As we dive headfirst into the unchartered waters of self-employment (surprise!… we’ll be talking more about this soon), we find ourselves faced with a few new financial considerations. Some aspects of our budget that were dictated by our various employers are now 100% dictated by us. For example, when our contract…

  • Middle of Nebraska

    The Financial Details of Our Move


    We’ve spent the last month settling into our new home, figuring out where to put this or that or whether a mirror should ever be hung over a toilet (actually, still disagreeing on that one). But for the most part, our new place feels homey and unpacked and familiar. And…

  • Maximizing Your Budget: Clothing

    Maximizing Your Budget: Clothing


    In 2015, we’re putting extra emphasis on budgeting since it’s a must for financial success. Each month, we tackle a different category, and by year’s end, we’ll have one big resource for maximizing your entire budget. Johnny and I just finished purging our closets and drawers of all our unwanted clothing…