About You #6

Hello My Name Is Beowulf

Goodbye summer — we’ll miss you. Hello fall — you’re the worst. Well, you’re tied for worst with winter. Joanna thinks you’re alright because you make pretty leaves. But I’m not super impressed by dying leaves, especially since they’re the final warning sign before six continuous months of brutal cold that punches you in the face over and over and over. Welp, there’s my positive message for the day!

Before we turn the mic over to you, a few housekeeping items.

  • We’re still mourning Google Reader’s untimely death (RIP), but you can still subscribe to OFB. So click here to add us on feedly – OR – click here to add us on bloglovin – OR – get our posts delivered to your inbox by entering your email address in that box to the upper right.
  • We’ve been terrible Facebookers and Twittererers. Forgive us of our sins… by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter! If you do, we promise to send you lots of spammy-sounding game invites, tag you in photos with our cat, and tweet almost exclusively about polarizing political topics. Because that’s what friends (us) are for. Seriously, we won’t do any of those things. Except the cat one.

Now for the fun stuff. You know the drill. We ask questions, you give answers.

  1. What shoes are you wearing?
  2. What’s your favorite movie?
  3. How do you track your budget? (ex. Mint, spreadsheet, envelope system, etc.)
  4. Choose one: permanent Cheeto’s fingers or permanent corn between your teeth?
  5. Why are you here? Why are you interested in personal finance?

We’ll go first.


  1. Ain’t. It’s late and I’m wearing sweatpants like an eight-year old. But I wore red Vans to work today.
  2. Hot Rod or Stranger than Fiction.
  3. HomeBudget app. But we’ve tried almost everything.
  4. I know it’s a good question when even I can’t answer it. I guess permanent Cheeto’s fingers because then I’d always have a pick-me-up snack just a finger away.
  5. Because I like how I feel when we’re in control of our money, and I don’t like how I feel when we’re not. Also because one day, I want to have enough money that I can reenact Duck Tales’ Uncle Scrooge diving into money.


  1. None. I’m in denial that summer is ending, so I’ve been wearing my Saltwater sandals daily.
  2. My Best Friend’s Wedding… ? If it’s a mindless chick flick, I’m typically game.
  3. HomeBudget app. And my Johnny app, which serves as both my budget reminder robot and husband.
  4. Johnny wrote this question. He’s weird. Cheeto’s fingers. Although both are absolutely terrible.
  5. I’m a planner and I like preparing for the future.

Get your fingers ready. On your mark, get set, type! (unless you have Cheeto’s fingers, in which case you should wash your hands first)

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  • Reply Ray Ray September 25, 2013 at 7:54 am

    1. Boring black pumps for work… womp womp
    2. Easy question, Walk the Line. NEXT!
    3. We bank with USAA and their online tools are great. I use the categories and bill-pay to track everything. There is even an option to set up manual transactions so I can project our balance. I’m super nerdy and totally love it 😉
    4. Ugh gross! I may have to go with the corn in my teeth, depending on if it’s just one or all my teeth! Haha, at least people can’t see it….
    5. I’m definitely the nerd, planner, Type-A, control freak, OCD one of the marriage. I also freak out thinking about being prepared for children and retirement and all that so I love being as organized as possible.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 8:45 pm

      2. Great movie. But they missed a huge opportunity to name the movie “Joaquin the Line.” Am I right?!
      3. I’ve heard so many great things about USAA. I’m glad that to hear that military members and their families have access to such an awesome bank.

  • Reply Michelle September 25, 2013 at 8:13 am

    1. No shoes right now. Still getting ready for work.
    2. I have like 1,000 favorite movies so that is impossible to answer!
    3. We have a spreadsheet.
    4. Ah these both sound horrible!
    5. I like everything about this blog 🙂

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 8:49 pm

      It sounds like you need to spend the weekend with your movie collection and have a heart-to-heart with them. Not all of them can be your favorite. They’ll understand.

  • Reply sarah @makingitmyhome.blogspot.com September 25, 2013 at 8:20 am

    1. boots but will be changing back into slippers in just a second (contemplated going to work and got all dressed, but ultimately decided to take the sick day i deserved and not get everyone else sick.)
    2. easy. Adventures in Babysitting. best quote ever: “don’t f**k with the babysitter.” growing up, i didn’t get in trouble for referencing that line just to swear.
    3. paper and pencil. add up all my bills, divide by two (two paychecks a month). put the bill money into one account, the rest into another. i always have money needed for bills. the rest i make last for two weeks.
    4. you;re giving me a heart attack trying to choose. i hate having dirty fingers from food ( i used to cry at the thought of eating an ice cream sandwich) and i don’t eat corn-on-the-cob unless i have floss ready to go
    5. reading about other peoples finances, strategies, etc. helps me stay on top of mine.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 8:53 pm

      2. Awesome movie. We used to quote the scary story she tells in the car all the time on roadtrips. “Just a pool of mushy goo!”
      4. That sounds like indecision, so I’ll choose for you: Cheeto’s fingers.
      5. Amen. Nothing helps us stay motivated more than hearing other people’s stories.

  • Reply E.M. September 25, 2013 at 8:21 am

    1. Flats for work.
    2. I don’t really have a favorite movie, weird I know.
    3. Spreadsheet in excel.
    4. Oh I don’t know, I absolutely hate the feeling of having chip residue on my fingers (like dorito’s)… ugh! That is a tough one, but I guess I’d have to go with the corn.
    5. Because you guys are really funny. I am interested in personal finance to be in control of my future – I’d love to retire early, and making a budget and knowing where your money is going is a great first step in the right direction.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 8:54 pm

      What, you’re not a fan of artificial cheese dust residue smashed into the crevices of your fingertips? Weird.

  • Reply Melissa W. September 25, 2013 at 8:24 am

    1. taupe pointy toed flats with gold metallic stars. I feel compelled to share that I stalked Old Navy until they went on clearance from $24.99 to $7.99.
    2. Love Actually, The Philadelphia Story, Godfather 1&2 (3 doesn’t exist) and Dark Knight.
    3. I use YNAB, and love it. To forecast I use a spreadsheet I found online somewhere that lets you enter your expenses and had formulas to determine how to allot your “surplus” after expenses. It’s how I determined my snowball to pay off the credit card that isn’t used for everyday expenses and car by November of 2014.
    4. Ummmmmmmmm, I guess the cheesy fingers because it would be more comfortable physically.
    5. I am interested in various budgeting tips and tricks, plus I enjoy your blog. You write like I speak, our senses of humor are on the same wavelength.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 8:57 pm

      1. I’m impressed. Joanna’s more impressed. Also, I didn’t know what taupe meant. Now I do.
      3. We used a similar spreadsheet a few years ago. It was awesome.
      4. Haha. Good answer.

  • Reply Lizzy K. September 25, 2013 at 8:49 am

    1) Hot pink kitten heels (I’m at work but not dead.)
    2) Grease followed extremely closely by Forrest Gump
    3) In my mind, which doesn’t sound reliable since I’m not a numbers person; however, I’m freakishly aware of every penny I have.
    4) Cheetos fingers. Corn would bug me to no end.
    5) I like the stories. Also, it’s good encouragement to think rationally and realistically about personal finances. That’s not a message we see enough anymore.

    • Reply J.Mill September 25, 2013 at 9:35 am

      Re: #1 – Work it, girl!

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 9:03 pm

      1. Joanna just left the room so I can’t ask her what this means. But in my head, I see pink heels that have fur and paws and probably a tail. In any event, they sound awesome.
      3. They should have an X-Men character with your abilities. Your superhero might be a little more boring than Storm and Wolverine, but you’d keep them all in line financially.

    • Reply MomofTwoPreciousGirls September 26, 2013 at 9:09 pm

      Guessing you have always dreamed of being a Pink Lady! I hate wearing shoes but LOVE how they look and buying them!

  • Reply K. Nicole September 25, 2013 at 9:10 am

    1.Gold & black flats
    2.Sooo hard to choose. At this moment, Silver Linings Playbook
    3.Spreadsheet in Google Docs
    4.Cheetos fingers, I will turn to white lace gloves and look fancy at all times.
    5.Debt!!!! My parents didn’t teach me about money & neither did my husband’s teach him. We are total noobs and our finances show it. We make a good amount of money, but rarely knows where it goes and also we have a lot of money going into paying down debts. 🙁


    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 10:39 pm

      4. The cheese dust will seep straight through those gloves. That stuff would probably corrode steel.
      5. We totally feel that pain. Almost word for word.

      If by chance you are Levar, which I still have my doubts, you must not comment. This simple website is not worthy or powerful enough to contain your awesomeness. That is all.

  • Reply J.Mill September 25, 2013 at 9:34 am

    1) black flats… hello office drab, er, chic!
    2) 10 Things I Hate About You (I love the dialogue and twist on Taming of the Shrew)
    3) Mint
    4) Corn? I don’t know why, but I’d really rather not have dirty hands.
    5) For. These. Q&As. And the personal finance. I like your style!

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 10:44 pm

      2. All I remember about this movie is that it had the girl from The Secret World of Alex Mack. So it was cool in my eyes.
      4. Dirty, but tasty, hands. Don’t forget the “tasty” part.

  • Reply Mrs PoP @ Planting Our Pennies September 25, 2013 at 9:37 am

    1. Wine colored rocketdog silk flats.
    2. Today I’d like to be watching the royal tannenbaums. Answer changes often.
    3. Mint. =)
    4. Cheetos fingers. Then I’d move to a cold climate and wear gloves and mittens all the time.
    5. Control. Until you control your finances, you’re letting someone else control you. Sounds creepy, but it’s pretty true.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 10:49 pm

      I’m long overdue on rewatching The Royal Tenenbaums. I’m not a huge dark comedy fan, so I usually fill my quote with one Wes Anderson film a year. I don’t think I’ve filled it yet (Moonrise Kingdom was surprisingly not dark).

  • Reply Emory September 25, 2013 at 9:41 am

    1. Black sandals with little beading on them (I am hoping this makes them more professional).

    2. Crazy, Stupid, Love. I never get tired of watching this.

    3. A combination of envelopes and obsessively checking our account balance.

    4. Corn between the teeth. I hate having messy fingers since I use them for everything.

    5. I like knowing that there are other people out there learning to live within their means and taking down debt. It’s encouraging.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 10:51 pm

      2. I remember laughing when I watched this. But if memory serves me right, it’s sort of chick-flicky, so I should probably pretend like I didn’t like it.
      5. Definitely the reason we feel motivated to keep up with the blog. We love to hear everyone else’s encouraging stories.

    • Reply MomofTwoPreciousGirls September 26, 2013 at 9:12 pm

      Mmmmm Ryan Gosling

  • Reply kate September 25, 2013 at 9:51 am

    1. Flip-flops… year round. {Central FL}
    2. Requiem for a Dream ~ dark and real.
    3. Mint… paired with guesswork {hangs head in shame}
    4. Cheeto fingers… the lesser of two evils… maybe?
    5. Trying to learn a thing or two about budgeting. I’m a single mama, who works full time {social worker aka not rolling in the dough}, gets zero financial assistance from {ahem} ‘other parties’ and who needs to plan and save for my kiddo’s college, my retirement, and other general securities. Love your site ~

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 10:55 pm

      2. Supppper dark. I listen to that soundtrack/score a lot for writing. Hopefully all of my writing doesn’t read like a dark, drug-addicted psycho.
      5. That’s awesome. Power to ya for taking the bull by the horns and figuring it out. Keep it up.

  • Reply Erin @ Red Debted Stepchild September 25, 2013 at 10:41 am

    1. No shoes, still in pajamas!
    2. Can’t pick one — let’s go with The Breakfast Club, Little Miss Sunshine, and Up!
    3. Personal Capital & Excel
    4. Corn, messy fingers are the worst!
    5. Because I have debt but I don’t want to, and I don’t have money but I want to!

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 11:01 pm

      The Breakfast Club is Emilio Estevez’ fourth best performance, only behind the Mighty Ducks trilogy.

  • Reply Kristen September 25, 2013 at 10:48 am

    1. No shoes… Lazy day at home before I startup 7 on.
    2. Any chick flick
    3. Pencil and paper.. Tried several apps but haven’t found one I like.
    4. Corn in my teeth… It’s not messy.
    5. Our spending was getting a bit ridiculous and we needed a budget to save for a down payment for a house. Since starting a budget about three months ago we have saved almost 4000. We still blow a good bit of money and are still learning how not to impulse buy or stop and eat out for lunch or supper more than once a week, but I think we are doing pretty good to have only been doing this since mid July.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 11:05 pm

      3. Old school… I like it. I kinda want to try it this way one month.
      4. It’s not messy, but mannn, so gross.
      5. Awesome work! That’s such a great start. Keep at it.

  • Reply Shay September 25, 2013 at 12:03 pm

    1. tennis shoes…just walked the kids to school
    2. Back to the Future or any sci-fi movie
    3. Quicken and a spreadsheet
    4. Cheetos…hate stuff in my teeth
    5. love reading about others on a budget and the cute pix of your dd!

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 11:08 pm

      I was always jealous of the kids that could walk to school. Tell your kids I’m jealous.

  • Reply Kali @CommonSenseMillennial September 25, 2013 at 12:12 pm

    1. Blue Rocketdog flats that I originally bought for my wedding shoes! They were perfect for wearing that day and the fact that I can wear them anytime now makes them even better.
    2. If I had to choose.. Lord of the Rings. Nerd alert!
    3. I use my own spreadsheets for our budget.
    4. This one made me cringe! But Cheetos fingers just don’t seem as horrible as corn in your teeth.
    5. I like reading about other people’s ideas on personal finance! It’s fun to read about new ideas, or even old ones when they’re presented from a new point of view or are written in a fun, interesting, or thought-provoking way. I’m on this particular post because I was appreciating that this makes for a good break from the normal budget-money-debt-etc talk! One of my goals is to make more personal connections with bloggers I enjoy, so I wanted to engage in this post.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 11:16 pm

      3. Very cool. I’ve been thinking about making our own for a while.
      4. Correct answer.

  • Reply Diane September 25, 2013 at 12:18 pm

    1. None, still in my pjs… but I’ll be wearing FitFlops flipflops~ the worlds’ most comfy footwear because it’s still summer in Louisiana and I love ’em! I wear them most of the year, except cold days, when I wear FitFlops clogs. 😉

    2. My Big Fat Greek Wedding, or Seems Like Old Times (old movie with Goldie Hawn & Chevy Chase) ~ both funny & romantic!

    3. Excel Spreadsheet, AND the envelope system. Love those envelopes of cash!

    4. YUCK to both, but I’d have to go with cheetos fingers, can’t handle stuff in my teeth.

    5. I like reading about personal finance to stay on track and see how other people are handling things. And I think you two are adorable with your sweet baby girl!

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 11:20 pm

      1. FitFlops, eh? They’re probably worth it just for the name alone.
      3. I do miss having envelopes teeming with cold hard cash. Maybe I’ll just go to the bank and take out a bunch of cash and then deposit it all the next day. Cause cash is fun.

  • Reply taylor September 25, 2013 at 12:46 pm

    1. none, but was wearing boots when i ventured out earlier.

    2. breakfast at tiffany’s! it’s basically my life manual (not really…but almost. second to the Bible of course)

    3. spreadsheets printed out. we are pretty old school/technologically illiterate. it really helps to actually write things in using pen and paper.

    4. ew. fingers? because i would be so paranoid about what others could see with the corn one.

    5. student loans suck (sorry for using that word, mom). we want me to stay home with our kids whenever they are born sometime in the future. we also want to homeschool for the first several years. so i will be mostly unable to work for a looong time, and there’s no way we can do that unless/until i get those loans paid off.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 11:26 pm

      3. I really like this idea. I think Joanna and I will try it one of these months.
      4. Yep, right answer.
      5. That’s great that you guys are thinking so far ahead. Very cool.

  • Reply Richard September 25, 2013 at 12:53 pm

    1. Brown Steve Madden work shoes. I’ve had them resoled twice to save me from buying a new pair.
    2. Good Will Hunting. “How do you like dem apples?”
    3. Spreadsheet. I like the adaptability and NOT punching every password and user ID into a website.
    4. Corn in the teeth. It would drive me crazier if I was constantly leaving orange splotches on every piece of paper I touched.
    5. I enjoy reading about personal finance and following your journey as new parents. As a proud dad of a 7.5 month old son – I can relate to many of the experiences/costs you are going through.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 11:29 pm

      3. I HATE that aspect of online banking/budgeting. HATTTEEE. And now banks are requiring me to sometimes punch in a code from a text message sent to my phone. So annoying. If someone really wants my money bad enough to go to all of that hassle, just let them have it.
      5. New dads unite! Being a dad is awesome — minus the price tag that comes with that title.

      • Reply Linda September 26, 2013 at 9:12 pm

        I hate filling in usernames/passwords, and I do go into a flying rage of uncontrollable fury when I forget my password and get my account locked (It ruins my day actually, just because I have to now speak to some stranger on the phone bleeeeh).

        So let me introduce you to LastPass – the last password you’ll ever need to remember. https://lastpass.com/
        The best part for me, is that if you’re on a secure PC, it can just auto-fill in all your usernames and passwords, even if your bank website has disabled the auto-fill/remember me functionality.

        You’ll still need to fill in the stupid bank code that’s texted to you unfortunately.

        Guys in IT at work swear by it, so I’m assuming it’s secure (As long as your PC isn’t physically stolen and you have a weak windows password of course).

        Edited to say : Not affiliated with LastPass, this sounds like an advert, they really should start paying me for this stuff… But seriously, this application has saved me a lot of anxiety and stress 😛

  • Reply Courtney September 25, 2013 at 12:59 pm

    1. Black flats
    2. I don’t really like movies. Kind of weird, I know.
    3. Mint and Dave Ramsey FPU spreadsheets
    4. Both are awful. I guess Cheeto’s fingers. Gross.
    5. I just found your blog and I love it. My husband and I are in the middle of paying off his law school loans. He graduated two years ago with $170k in loans and we are down to $61k after taking the FPU class and putting ourselves on a very tight budget. (We got married right after he graduated, so we also used some savings I had to pay off some of the loans right away.) We want to have a baby soon but I had no idea how much that would cost us so I started Googling and came across your Baby Bucks series. Thank you for writing that – it is super helpful! I couldn’t find info like that anywhere but now we know more of what to expect financially.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 11:31 pm

      4. Gross, but you have made the right choice.
      5. That’s so great. Congrats to you two on making so much progress. Seriously, awesome awesome work.

  • Reply melissa@the bix blog September 25, 2013 at 1:25 pm

    1. Peep toe flats. Like Miley Cyrus to long hair, im not fully committed to fall.
    2. Serendipity- love John Cusak, but I will watch any mindless chick flick with Joanna.
    3. Spreadsheet, but it needs work- Enter question 5!
    4. I suppose Cheetos fingers, but it will make diaper changes a bit more messy!
    5. I need to get it together for our household. With 2 young kiddos we really need to get a better plan and budget in place. Enter you two 

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 11:36 pm

      1. Haha. I don’t know if Miley is committed to much of anything these days.
      4. Ugh, that thought didn’t even cross my mind. Man, life must be pretty tough for those afflicted with PCFD (Permanent Cheeto Finger Disorder).

  • Reply EcoCatLady September 25, 2013 at 1:53 pm

    1. Barefoot… I only use shoes when there’s no other option!
    2. 12 Monkeys… love, Love, LOVE that movie!
    3. Er… Um…. haven’t actually tracked my budget in years. I put everything on one credit card and have a “day of reckoning” at the end of the month just to make sure nothing’s out of whack. But I’m fairly set in my ways and the only thing that ever breaks the budget is a vet bill or a special purchase which is always a planned in advance sort of thing.
    4. Eee Gads… Gotta go with Cheetos fingers, at least there’s no pain involved that way.
    5. Why I’m here? Because you guys make me laugh. Why I’m interested in personal finance? Because I think it’s the key to personal freedom.

    • Reply Johnny September 25, 2013 at 11:54 pm

      1. If only my employer felt the same way. Actually, they might be cool with it. I’ll give it a shot.
      3. We’re more or less on this system right now, but we track out of habit. We have our routines and know what they should cost. We’re basically robots.

  • Reply Kelly September 25, 2013 at 3:40 pm

    1. Red moccasin lookign shoes, so comfy!!
    2.Breakfast at Tiffany’s or the Hangover…over and over again
    3. I tried using mint but im thinking I might try the envelope system to get me back on track. (We are moving to another city and I feel like im just throwing away money)
    4. corn in my teeth…hate having dirty hands
    5. Stubled upon it from Roo and havent looked back, love the information you give but also that you keep it light by adding personal stuff in. And it doesnt hurt that your baby is sooo cute!

    • Reply Johnny September 26, 2013 at 12:04 am

      1. I had moccasins. I think Joanna gave them to a thrift store. Clearly I haven’t forgiven her.
      3. Money is a lot harder to throw away when it’s real. And when there’s only enough in an envelope to get you through a month.

  • Reply Ashley September 25, 2013 at 4:48 pm

    What shoes are you wearing? Leopard print loafers. I like a little pizzazz to keep me going during the day.

    What’s your favorite movie? Footloose. have literally seen it a zillion times. And, yes, I did like the remake! The director also did Hustle and Flow back in the day, so I like the gritty feel he brings to movies. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand moving along……….

    How do you track your budget? Combination of paper weekly budgets and a googledoc spreadsheet tracking our monthly spending/earning. I’ve tried a few online tools (Mint, etc), but find them lacking for really tracking how our money comes in and goes out.

    Choose one: permanent Cheetos fingers or permanent corn between your teeth? Cheetos. Duh.

    Why are you here? Why are you interested in personal finance? I’m here because I like reading about personal finance to keep me honest with my own.

    • Reply Johnny September 26, 2013 at 12:14 am

      2. Joanna is nodding her head to this answer. I’m guessing that’s a good thing.
      3. That’s always been my problem with Mint — too passive.
      4. Duh.

  • Reply Hannah September 25, 2013 at 5:54 pm

    1. No shoes, still in bed and pjs. Possibly going to stay here all day and throw a “it’s too hard to go to work at 36 weeks pregnant” excuse.
    2.Exactly the same as Johnny. Weird! Love love love Stranger than Fiction.
    3. A basic excel document that hubby and I update every few months
    4. What the hey is a Cheeto? Is it something you eat? I’ll go with the corn option as something called a Cheeto sounds very strange….
    5. I have absolutely no idea how I originally found your blog but you guys are hilarious and honest. That keeps me reading!

    Now, this Cheeto thing is concerning me. I’ve just googled that , it’s a bag of chips, right?

    • Reply Johnny September 26, 2013 at 12:34 am

      1. I think you’ve earned that right at 36 weeks.
      2. Nice! Such a good one.
      4. Haha. I just assumed Cheeto was a world-wide delicacy. But, boy, was I wrong. Your whole answer made me laugh though.

  • Reply Kaylyn September 25, 2013 at 6:29 pm

    1. Black Payless flats.
    2. In order: Almost Famous, Back to the Future, That Thing You Do!, Big Fish, and Amazing Grace
    3. Index card, a black pen, and a red pen. I have a laptop, tablet, and smartphone – yet paper still wins with me.
    4. Cheetos! At least I could wear gloves.
    5. Because I love your simplicity, style, and openness! You do a great job at making people feel not stupid about money.

    • Reply Johnny September 26, 2013 at 12:57 am

      2. Pretty much all awesome movies.
      4. Gloves are no match for the radioactive orange cheese dust. You’ve been warned.

  • Reply Linda September 26, 2013 at 6:33 am

    1. Socks – it’s late evening here.
    2. Hmmm, don’t really have one, but I loved the Avengers, so there we go.
    3. YNAB – been using it since it started life as an excel spreadsheet! And paid for 2 upgrades since. Best way to track money ever. (Don’t have Mint in my country)
    4. Gah, both so bad. I’d choose Cheeto fingers because stuff in my teeth drives me bat-poo insane.
    5. Personal Finance because I love the idea of being free from having to work. Here at this blog because I just love your posts 😀

    Also, Duck Tales was one of my favourite cartoons. See, why do I have favourite cartoons of all time, but not movies? *shrug*.

    • Reply Johnny September 30, 2013 at 1:21 am

      3. We definitely need to give YNAB a try. Heard great things about it.
      4. I’ve never heard “bat-poo crazy” before (I’ve heard its alternative) but I really like it. Consider it added to my lexicon.

  • Reply Love (a.k.a. Hayley) September 26, 2013 at 12:33 pm

    What shoes are you wearing?

    I am barefoot — WOOT for being pregnant, barefoot and sprawled none-too-gracefully on the couch with our two giant maine coon kitties… and the laptop on a pillow near my giant belly. I am also currently in my husband’s PJs (stolen out of our closet because nothing fits at 35 weeks preggo).

    What’s your favorite movie?

    My favorite movie(s) would have to be the following, in no particular order: Batman (the original Michael Keaton/Jack Nicholson version); North By Northwest (love Cary Grant); Howl’s Moving Castle (yay Studio Ghibli).

    How do you track your budget? (ex. Mint, spreadsheet, envelope system, etc.)

    We try to use Mint.com and Smarty Pig, but lately I’m failing on the budget system; I’m relying on my husband/Jody app to check it…. my only recourse is to continuously sign in to our Credit Union online and make sure things are paid off and to check through their website… which is not very satisfying… I need more pie charts, if you know what I mean. 😉

    Choose one: permanent Cheeto’s fingers or permanent corn between your teeth?

    Okay… I have to go with Cheeto’s fingers, except that I’m allergic to corn and corn products…. so really, I could pick NEITHER of these options because they both contain corn. Ha! Do I win by accident here? 😉

    Why are you here? Why are you interested in personal finance?

    I am here because I’m freaking out about how much babies and being pregnant costs. I am self-employed and work from home — we are on my hubby’s insurance and his job is ending *GASP* a month and a half after the baby (our first — Little Boy) is due.

    We will be losing his STELLAR insurance, and needing to budget tightly even more than before. I am a saver and he is more of a spender, so we need all the examples/help we can get! On the plus side, he is finishing school and a mathematics major, so that should help.

    I too, would like to be financially secure enough to weather any health/natural disasters (and also to re-enact the Duck Tales diving… it just seems like FUN! An adult version of a ball pit if you will….).

    • Reply Johnny September 30, 2013 at 2:14 am

      1. Giant Maine Coon kitties!! Man, those are the coolest cats ever! So jealous.
      3. Being a visual person myself, pie charts make my brain drool in hunger.
      4. This scenario was not planned in the initial scheming of the question. I think you might have broken the question — and the Matrix.
      5. Sounds like an exciting, albeit stressful, time of life. Best of luck over the next few weeks/months and hopefully you can have your game plan all ready before your little guy (congrats!) makes his debut.

  • Reply Chris September 26, 2013 at 1:22 pm

    1. Just your run-of-the-mill standard black dress shoes. Laces though, I hate slipons (come at me bro).
    2. Surprised to see that nobody put Shawshank. So, let’s show Morgan Freeman some love. Shawshank Redemption hands down.
    3. Excel (junkie? addict?).
    4. Cheetos. I love the flaming hot cheetos commerical where his hands are on fire. It kills me every time, “Not my department. You’ll have to call the drapes-on-fire hotline for that.”
    5. Because if I don’t track my finances I end up spending all my money on glow sticks and survival equipment. Oh and retirement or whatever.

    • Reply Chris September 26, 2013 at 1:24 pm

      P.S. When people normally ask me why I’m such a nazi about my budget I tell them the same thing that Johnny said. Scrooge McDuck knew what was up.

    • Reply Johnny September 30, 2013 at 2:17 am

      1. You’re asking for a world of hurt with that slip-on jab. Don’t mess with those of us who are either too lazy or old/senile to lace up our shoes.
      2. Yep.
      5. Glow sticks and survival equipment? Is there a correlation there at all? Like zombie preparedness raves or something? If so, sign me up.

  • Reply MomofTwoPreciousGirls September 26, 2013 at 9:01 pm

    What shoes are you wearing? None…chilling on the couch watching Survivor on the DVR. Unless I’m actually walking around at work, I barely ever wear shoes!
    What’s your favorite movie? Fight Club
    How do you track your budget? (ex. Mint, spreadsheet, envelope system, etc.). I can’t seem to find something to stick to!
    Choose one: permanent Cheeto’s fingers or permanent corn between your teeth? Definitely Cheetos fingers…access to that taste at any time would rock!
    Why are you here? Why are you interested in personal finance? I want to get this better…trying so hard to bounce back from our messes. For my children. And you guys make this freaking fun!

    • Reply Johnny September 30, 2013 at 2:19 am

      2. SNAP! Good call. Such a good movie.
      4. Ding ding ding. Correct!
      5. Awesome motivation. It sounds like you’re already on the right track.

  • Reply carlotta September 27, 2013 at 2:43 am

    1.vibram five fingers right after the gym
    2.mediterraneo (italian movie…)
    3.spreadsheet…many versions, still haven’t decide which one I like best. …(the “extra” folder is always a mess)
    4. corn! at least you get used to it.
    5. basically I want to save for a house. very big dream.

    • Reply Johnny September 30, 2013 at 2:23 am

      4. Haha. I guess that’s one way to look at it.
      5. Awesome. We’re in a similar boat. Here’s to making our big dreams come true.

  • Reply Brian September 27, 2013 at 11:50 am

    1. Some sort of Sketchers (which I just learned are made by the Guy who founded LA Gear)
    2. Bedknobs and Broomsticks (Magical suits of Armor fighting WW2 Nazis…. what’s not to love?)
    3. I don’t really track hardcore I just keep expenses less than income
    4. Corn Between my teeth… but the cheetos did remind me of a Davinci’s Notebook Failed Jingle… “If you want to turn your daddy parts orange, eat some Cheetos and Watch some porn
    5. I have no where else to go… also I was promised Levar Burton articles.

  • Reply Ange September 27, 2013 at 1:26 pm

    1. Cute turquise Tory Burtch flats I paid too much for 🙂

    2. Gah. That’s a hard question! I’ll go with the cliche Top Gun

    3. I just started using WaveApps

    4. Cheetos fingers because Cheeto’s are delicious!

    5. I love learning about budgeting in the real world and need a kick in the pants!

    • Reply Johnny September 30, 2013 at 2:35 am

      2. If by cliche you mean awesome, than yes, Top Gun is super cliche.
      3. That’s a new one on our radar. We’ll have to check it out.
      4. This is the only acceptable answer. So congratulations for getting it right.

  • Reply Teri September 29, 2013 at 11:17 pm

    1. none – it’s 8pm 🙂
    2. Amelie – what’s not to love about a quirky French movie?
    3. YNAB – I’m still very noobish when it comes to $$ despite my age.
    4. Cheetos fingers – anything in my teeth drives me bonkers.
    5. I’m still learning and am in awe of folks that have figured “it” out.

    • Reply Johnny September 30, 2013 at 2:39 am

      2. Such a cool movie. Totally forgot about what a great movie that is.
      3. As far as I’m concerned, the older the noob, the more awesomer the budgeter. Kudos for starting now.
      5. As are we. And despite what a lot of financial blogs lead you to believe, very few are actually at the “it” stage. Lots of us have a lonnng way to go.

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