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  • Frugality vs Budgeting

    Frugality vs. Budgeting


    With this busy time of our lives, Johnny and I have made some changes that have increased our monthly budget some. We used to rarely (and I mean RARELY) pay for babysitting, oftentimes opting to just stay in and watch a movie or relying on kind family members to help…

  • Our Monthly Budget: March

    Our Monthly Budget: March 2016


    We made it! Does anyone else feel this way when March hits? I always breathe a huge sigh of because it means we’ve made it through another winter. Everything’s not coming up roses quite yet, but I feel like winter, for the most part, is behind us. The first two…

  • How to Avoid Budgeting Burnout

    Avoiding Budgeting Burnout


    At some point in the past several months, most of us have started a budget, or at least had the desire to start one. And then months pass and here we find ourselves in one of two places: 1. budgeting or 2. not budgeting. And there’s a whole spectrum of…

  • Pros and Cons of Running a Small Business

    Pros & Cons of Running a Small Business


    The last few months have both sped by and at other times felt like a very, very slow crawl. We’ve gotten less sleep than we did during Sally and Winnie’s newborn days. And we’ve wondered more than a few times if we have any idea what we’re doing. It’s been…