
  • Our Money Funnel

    Our Money Funnel (Where Our Money Goes)


    I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I freaking loved American Gladiators. I don’t have many memories of my early-90’s childhood, but this epic game show will forever be seared in my soul. Nitro, Viper, Turbo, Blaze. These were my heroes. At the end of every episode, the contestants…

  • How to Save 50% on Your Budget

    Save 50% of Your Income in ONE WEEK!


    Recently, Johnny and I were contacted by a talk show in LA to be possible guests on a segment about money-saving tips. A producer from the show wanted to get on Skype with us and chat about our “area of expertise.” We went back and forth on how to respond to the email.…

  • Savings Recipes with Qapital

    Cooking Up Savings Recipes with Qapital


    Last month, we reviewed a slick savings and goal-oriented app called Qapital. You can read the full review here, but here’s the elevator pitch. Qapital is an iPhone app (Android coming by year’s end) designed to help you set savings goals and then apply rules to automate and reach those goals.…

  • Our Ten Money Commandments

    Our Ten Money Commandments


    Over the last two and a half years (!) of putting fingers to keyboard on this here blog, we’ve shared a steady supply of our successes and failures. And over time, we’ve noticed recurring themes and fundamental beliefs that continue to pop up and appear to drive to the core…

  • 5 Smart Places to Put Your Extra Savings


    Getting out of debt is a beautiful thing. You’ve spent months or years or decades with a single financial goal, throwing whatever you can at its big, ugly face. You create rules, you create processes, you download tools, all with the same goal in mind — not owing anyone a…

  • Splurge Worthy

    Our Splurging and Saving Personality


    On Saturday night, Johnny and I ate out at a sit-down restaurant. Better yet, it was just the two of us… we do occasionally need Sally-free time. When we arrived, the restaurant informed us that it would be a 35- to 45-minute wait. We reluctantly said, “Okay,” and had a…

  • Where We Keep Our Money

    Where We Keep Our Money


    We talk a lot about how to save money on here. But one thing we’ve never talked about is where we keep our money. We’ve had a few questions on just this topic recently, and as it always is with us, if you ask, you shall receive much more than…

  • Why We're Maxing Out our Roth IRA Each Year

    Why We’re Maxing Out our Roth IRAs Each Year


    At the beginning of the year, Johnny did a few posts on the dirty details of the Roth IRA. Those posts, condensed? We’re big, big fans of Roth. We maxed out our Roth IRA last year, we’ve maxed it out this year (using our tax return from Uncle Sam), and…

  • Should You Save While You're in Debt?

    Should You Save While You’re in Debt?


    Today we’re going to talk about the age old question: Will crossing your eyes too much cause them to get stuck that way? No, not that one. Never that one on a Monday. We’re talking about the other age-old question: Should you save while you’re in debt?  Over the weekend, Sally got…

  • Please Keep off the Grass

    Money is Meant to Be Spent


    Growing up, we had a pair of special couches in our living room. They were the no-touching-no-sitting-no-breathing-on-couches. It provoked many a question in a five-year-old’s brain: Are those couches as soft as clouds? Will we get eaten by them? Are there fruit roll-ups hidden between the cushions? It was like the…