In the Baby Bucks series, we babble about babies and money and sleep deprivation and cuteness overload. In that order.
Seven months is the magic number. Our baby girl is so much fun right now! Every month has had its struggles, but month seven has been pure bliss. Our girl sleeps 12 hours a night, naps 3 hours a day, and plays by herself for up to an hour at a time. And she can’t crawl and get into anything yet! It’s like, Whoa, this parenting thing is easy sauce. The daily struggles are still there, of course, but this is the easiest it’s ever been. I’m basking in every second because I see her little legs working, and I know she’ll be moving all over the place soon, leaving a path of destruction in her wake. Despite knowing this fact, I still help her work on her crawling skills every day because I love trouble — or maybe I’m just crazy.
Baby Finances
We just started feeding Baby Girl real food, which has cost us a total of about $15. Most of her calories are still the good stuff (nursing). We also purchased a highchair from IKEA for $25, and it’s been pretty darn perfect. Cheap, easy to clean, and I think it’s pretty cute, too. But that may just be because of the butterball it houses.
Johnny’s brother got married this past month, just a few days after we got moved in, so we spent $9 having our girl’s dress dry cleaned for the wedding. Is it just me or is that a boatload to charge for a baby’s dress to be dry cleaned? Never again.
We have made the switch to Costco diapers. I lurve them, you guys. Pampers got too expensive, and then we tried Huggies, and for the price, I thought they were pretty mediocre. But Costco knows what’s up in the diaper department, even if the actual diaper graphics are rather hideous. The diapers cost $39, and I think they’ll last close to two months, which is kind of awesome.
As far as clothing goes, my sister and sister-in-law have given me a ton of hand-me-downs in the past month, so I haven’t really had to buy clothing or bibs or sippy cups. I love older sisters. I bought some $8 pajamas from good ol’ Walmart since our girl is outgrowing everything so quickly, and Johnny and I plan on getting her some other clothing necessities soon, too.
Grand total for month seven? $96. Not too shabby.
Our Seven-Month-Old
Our girl has found her voice. And what can I say? She is loud. Like her dad. Sometimes they just stare into each other’s eyes and yell for like 15 seconds straight with their mouths wide open. She wants so badly to learn to crawl, but she mostly just moves from side to side and backward. There’s no forward motion happening. At all. Which we’re a-okay with. Baby Girl has quite the sense of humor. If something she does makes you laugh, she’ll do it over and over again. Quite the entertainer. And our cat Persie is hilarious, apparently. Just seeing that cat makes our girl laugh her head off.
Baby Girl continues to be 99th percentile for height and weight, and she’s definitely no infant anymore. Sad face. Sometimes I wonder where my baby went! But her mouth is still sans teeth, so I’ll use that as my indicator of babyhood. Forget that fact that she weighs as much as a one-year-old. However sad it is to see our girl grow up past the infant stage, I also love seeing her personality develop. She’s a pretty cool cat (read: I’m obsessed!!!).
After this month, I’m finally starting to see how people have more than one child while still remaining sane. If you have a newborn, I can now say with confidence that it get’s easier. And all of you with older children are probably thinking, She has no idea what’s coming! I don’t, and I’d like to keep it that way 😉 And now for some pictures:
Love that dress on your baby girl! Yes enjoy the non mobile stage! Also enjoy all her sleeping…so jealous! My 15 month old still doesn’t sleep 12 hrs a night total! She’s up to 10 consistently and even 11 some too so I’m thankful! That is so awesome that you are able to get so much hand me downs! New clothes are pricy but I just can’t convince myself to go to consignment stores(I know crazy!). If we had someone giving us clothes that I knew I would have no problem taking them though. We spent about $85 getting her clothes for fall and into winter plus $60 on 2 pairs of tennis shoes for her (one pair fall and 1 winter) . No item besides the shoes was more than $10, which is the most I will pay for a clothing item for her. This was spread out over 2 months but definentely puts a major dent in baby budget. Needless to say she hasn’t got any unnecessary items (toys)in the past couple months. Really she just love books so we go every week and check about 30 out! So there isn’t a need to buy toys especially since its so nice outside. However as fall and winter approaches and we are inside more I will probably buy her a couple new toys.
I can’t believe how expensive baby clothes are! It sounds like you are finding great deals, and it’s probably stuff you will use again (if you have another girl). When I do buy clothes for Baby Girl, I figure if I don’t use it again, one of my sisters or sis-in-laws will.
It’s nice your little lady loves books! I’m still trying to get our girl not to eat them!
I forgot wow $39 of diapers last 2 months? That is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! How many diapers come in the case? I might need to rethink this whole Pampers thing…we spend at least $60 on diapers and wipes EACH month for 2×96 case pampers, 1 bag Pampers baby dry for overnight and a few pks of pampers wipes. That is using coupons too and shopping best price/sale!
That sounds like a great deal you’re getting on Pampers! They’re still my favorite, so if you’re finding coupons and sales on them, I would just keep on keepin’ on with those!
Hurray for the 7 month old!:-D so happy that this stage of your baby´s life been such a bliss! That´s amazing!
She is soooo cute, and totally bigger than Minnie, haha! Love her darling dress.
We are about to hit 8 months and I know what you are saying here. My son likes to talk to himself and scream. He is on the verge of crawling and he just got two teeth in, so that has been fun. They grow up too fast.
Isn’t it just such a great stage? They’re busy, but oh so much fun. I’m loving it!
Funny, we have found huggies seem to be better than the costco brand ones (and they cost the same for the same number at costco, and go on sale more often). The best part of them eating “people food” is that you don’t have to worry about planning out food for them as much and can pretty much give them whatever you want. Our little guy loved lemons for a while (and would make a lemon face every time but just kept eating them). In fact he is by far the least picky eater in our family at the moment.
That is funny you prefer Huggies — I think it’s really all about the baby’s body type. Glad you’ve found a brand that works well for your little guy!
We haven’t given our girl lemon yet! We’ll have to give that a go (and record it)! 🙂
How cute is she?! Thanks for the brief Costco diaper review. I am admittedly a little leery of the Kirkland brand, but am currently using Pampers Extra Protection at night and Seventh Generation during the day for our 20 month old. The cheapest I can find them is online through Amazon mom and even then they are 35 cents a pop! I may just have to check out Costco after all!!
Thanks Caitlin! Let me know if you give Costco a try and how you like it. Pampers is pretty darn great, even for the price. Have you tried the subscribe and save feature with Amazon? It helps to save even more on diapers!
I lol’ed at the comment about the terrible Costco diaper graphics. But yes, considering that the Kirkland diapers are nearly the same cost of Huggies at Costco, they’re obviously of good quality.
Your daughter is precious! And I hope you don’t worry about her height/weight. I was SCRAWNY and underweight but very long as a baby, and then magically, I gained weight around the 3rd grade and I’m about average now for my height. Sometimes it takes a while.
Thanks, Tara! We love how chunky our girl is. I’m trying to love every roll on her right now because I know it won’t be there forever! 🙂
We were huge fans of Target diapers, it has been several years now but then they were cheaper than Costco and were on sale or had coupons fairly often and we thought they worked great.
I keep hearing great things about Target diapers, Christine! I’ll have to try out a pack the next time I go to Target. Thanks for the tip!
She looked gorgeous in her dress!! Soooo cute 🙂 These pictures make me smile.
Time flies, doesn’t it?! I feel lik our son is still this age, but he’s walking, talking and now potty training this week at 19 months. Glad to hear about the sleep, because months 6 – 12 we pretty tough for us. Consider it s blessing 🙂
In 2 weeks I will be dropping my youngest son off at a university in another city and I don’t know where the time went. It just flew by.
I miss babies.
she is gorgeous!
[…] Our Freaking Budget Baby Update: Seven Months-Baby girl is one of the cutest babies ever! It has been a lot fun seeing her […]