Our Favorite Posts of 2015

Sally and Wynn

Three more days left in 2015, and today is one of them! Johnny and I have been wanting to sit down and hash out our goals/dreams/hopes/resolutions for 2016, but we still haven’t gotten to it! And here we find ourselves, down to the wire. So we have exactly three more nights to make it happen. And then we’ll share them here, of course.

But today, we wanted to take a step back and take a look at 2015 — our OFB year in review, so to speak. And after looking back, we’ve compiled our most favorite posts of 2015. We hope you enjoy!

Best Budgeting Apps of 2015

We’ve got another installment coming your way soon for 2016, so stay tuned!

The Ultimate Guide to Cut the Cable TV Cord

Cut your cable and save yourself a boatload in the process. It’s been over a year for us now, and we haven’t looked back once.

A Millenial’s Guide: How to Buy Life Insurance

None of us wants to think about life insurance or why we might need it. So we did all the thinking for you and created this handy guide. If you have anyone who depends on you, make 2016 the year you get life insurance.

Oh, the Places You’ll Go

In just a few short years, we went from paying off debt to being more financially prepared than we could have ever imagined at that point. And it’s all thanks to our (freaking) budget.

A Letter to Your Friends

Here’s what we wished we’d said to our friends when we were in the midst of super tight budgeting and getting out of debt.

Worry So You Don’t Have to Worry

Life throws us curveballs sometimes, and oftentimes those curveballs cost money we weren’t expecting to pay. But by being financially prepared for a rainy day, we can focus on what’s really important in those moments and not stress about our finances.

But Why?

One major key to budgeting success and meeting your financial goals is finding your “why,” and this helps you do just that.

Selfies, Budgets, and the Reality Distortion Field

Social media has us assuming things about others’ finances that we simply shouldn’t. Budgeting is personal, and that includes not comparing your finances to others’ highlight reel finances.

Life Without a Budget

Life without a budget — what a very scary scenario, indeed. Sometimes the best way to know why something’s important is to realize what life would be like without it.

Our Ten Money Commandments

Let the record show, these are the ten most important rules when it comes to money — at least according to us :).

Our 20 Car Buying Tips and Tricks

After buying yet another car this year, we learned (and relearned) the good, the bad, and the ugly to car buying. And we compiled it all just for you.

Save 50% of Your Income in One Week!

Real, effective budgeting isn’t fast, easy, or, sexy. This experience was a good reminder of that.

Let’s Talk About Lifestyle Deflation

Sometimes budgeting requires giving up a lifestyle we’ve grown used to, even one that feels like part of our identity. Here’s why that’s okay.

Thanks for reading along and being such a huge motivation for us this year (and last year and the year before). We’re ready to give 2015 the boot and make 2016 our best year yet.

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  • Reply Cat@BudgetBlonde December 29, 2015 at 6:23 pm

    I love it! There are some great posts on that list!!

  • Reply Ellen December 30, 2015 at 10:34 am

    I think my favorite was the letter to friends. It’s really awkward to explain to someone that you’re trying to budget and pay off debt instead of being flakey.

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