Monthly Archives

December 2014

  • Three-Year Debti-versary!

    Our Three Year Debt-iversary!


    It was around this time three years ago that Johnny and I joined hands together, jointly extended our pointer fingers, and pressed “Submit” on our final debt payment. If all of that sounds kinda weird, it was. And I’m glad you didn’t see it. But boy was it exciting! And…

  • Why Can’t Our Generation Save Money?


    It’s no secret that Johnny and I enjoy talking about our generation of millennials and all our “issues,” such as why our generation’s still mooching off our parents. We read another discussion-worthy article recently that we wanted to share. The article poses the question Why aren’t millenials saving any money?…

  • Baby Bucks

    OFB Baby Update: 23 Months


    General Baby Thoughts That’s right. In just one month, our little tot will be turning TWO. Although, with her already wearing some 3T clothing, it feels like she’s been two for months now. An almost-two-year-old is like having a really fun, really volatile roommate. For the most part, they’re incredibly…

  • OFB Is Two!

    Our Freaking Budget Turns Two!


    Yes, it’s true… this week is OFB’s second birthday! In some ways, we can’t believe it’s already been two years. In the same breath, it feels like OFB has always been a part of us — for better or worse, richer or poorer. It’s like a marriage. But here we are!…