In The OFB 50 States Project, you the readers spill the beans about your state: the good, the bad, and the delicious. And thus provide “forever place” seekers (like yours truly) a useful resource in their search. We’d love to hear about your state! To be a part of this project, click here to fill out the form!
The Facts
Low State Taxes Ranking: 33
Low Cost of Living Ranking: 12 State Economy Ranking: 28
Average Temperatures (Lansing):
The Nickname
The Short of It
The state of Michigan is brought to you by the following awesome OFB readers:
1) Wendy L. // 2) Kristen W. // 3) Dana // 4) Becky T. // 5) Mindy // 6) Deb C. // 7) Connie Y.
What food best represents Michigan?
- Pasties 1
- Vernors 2
- Coney Dogs (hot dogs topped with all meat chili, onions, and a couple squirts of mustard) 3
- Cherries, Pasties (UP specific) 4
- Cherries 5
- U.P favorite – Pasties 6
- Buddy’s Pizza 7
What song best represents Michigan?
- Roll Me Away – Bob Seger 1
- Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald 2
- All Summer Long – Kid Rock 4, 7
- Lake Michigan – Rogue Wave 5
How does MI refer to a carbonated beverage drink?
- Pop 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (!)
If you could take a friend to one place in MI, where would it be?
- The beach 1
- The Porcupine Mountains 2
- Mackinaw Island 3, 4, 6
- Sleeping Bear Dunes 5
- Camping at Proud Lake 7
Mackinac Island
The Long of It
Biggest misconception about Michigan?
- We’re all a bunch of rednecks. 1
- That much of the state is like Detroit — a broken city filled with drug addicts, gangsters, and homeless people. 2, 5, 6, 7
- That the whole state is just like the movie 8 Mile. Oh and that you’ll get shot the minute you enter Detroit. 3
- All people that live in Northern Michigan (including both the LP and UP) are rednecks that hunt elk all day. If you’re from anywhere downstate, you automatically live by Detriot and are involved with the production of automobiles. 4
Best aspect about living in Michigan?
- We have all 4 seasons! 1, 2, 6, 7
- Beautiful fresh water lakes! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Lots of outdoor fun — large dunes, wooded trails, state parks, ArtPrize, bike paths, zoos, skiing, golfing, etc. Lots of indoor fun – Detroit Institute of Arts, museums. You can go nearly anywhere in the state for a day/weekend trip (except the UP of course). 1
- It’s a beautiful state. We’re surrounded on 3 sides by water so there are miles of beaches. Throughout the state and particularly in the upper peninsula there are beautiful lush woods for hiking and camping. And in the winter there are several mountains for skiing! 3
Worst aspect about living in MI?
- Auto industry makes up a large chunk of the manufacturing related jobs. When the auto industry is in the tank, so is the entire state’s economy. 1
- It is said that we have 2 seasons — winter and construction. 3
- We have a long winter – the snow, cold, and darkness can wear you down after awhile. 5
- Potholes in winter/spring. 7
Summarize your feelings about Michigan in five words.
- Beautiful, fun 1
- Northwoods and water are home 2
- Love living in Pure Michigan 3
- Great Lake and great people 4
- I love the beautiful Mitten 5
- Love it!!! 6
- Love it! 7
Our Freaking Take
We’ve only heard great things about Michigan, but neither of us has ever been there. It’s one of those places where we’d like to go but never had a reason. We love the outdoors, and it seems like Michigan has a lot to offer in that area. And we’re very intrigued by these pasties everyone talks about. Our only concern is the long winters, but we’re currently surviving in Utah, and it can’t be worse than the winters here. The fact that Kid Rock calls Michigan home scares us a bit. But we watched an interview with him on Piers Morgan once, and he actually seemed like a pretty cool dude. So good work, Michigan.
How did these answers line up with your perception of Michigan? Have your thoughts on the state changed after reading this? Could you see it fitting your forever-place bill?
My mom and a bunch of relatives live in Upper Michigan. It’s really gorgeous up there. I’m surprised no Yoopers mentioned saunas. You definitely need to try a pasty!
Oh, lucky! You have the hookup of free lodging when you visit! That’s the best. It seems like it would be a really great getaway.
“The fact that Kid Rock calls Michigan home scares us a bit.” HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
That is all Johnny! I am completely blameless for what he writes on our site. 😉
[…] OFB 50 States Project: Michigan via Our Freaking Budget because I love the land shaped like a hand (and because I contributed, so that’s cool. Pat on the back for me.) […]
When I was little I lived way up north on a Military Base. All I remember is snow past my parents’ heads. I thought it was a fake memory-until my mom said it was real!
Whoa! That sounds pretty intense. Michigan is pretty far up there. I’m not sure Johnny and I would ever be cut out for that kind of winter!!
Gotta admit! I love the midwest, including Michigan. What are pasties? I thought they related to covering up one’s nipples…
One of the best parts of Michigan didn’t even get a mention. There is a National Park in Lake Superior called Isle Royale (which is technically part of Michigan). For those who like to get away from it all, it’s about as remote as you can get in the lower 48.