About You #9

Hello, My name is Beowulf

Happy Cinco de Mayo! I don’t know much about the holiday, but I do know that it doesn’t get me work off which relegates it to the C-list of holidays. But should you be celebrating it, happy day to you.

We’re still rebounding from a bout of recent illnesses, but spring delivered a beaut of a weekend. Here’s a brief summary of what’s up in our household… Joanna will be officially unemployed in two days. Sally learned how to unlatch my toolbox, which yields an equal amount of daddy-pride and “For the love of all that is holy, put the hammer down!” Our cat, Persie, is hunting a fly right now and given her track record, the fly will lose. And then be eaten. And then vomited on our carpet. Cool.

Enough about us, time to hear from you in a little segment we call… ABOUT YOU! We ask questions, you give answers. Let’s do this.

  1. What TV show(s) are you into right now?
  2. Your most recent purchase.
  3. What’s your biggest frustration with keeping a budget?
  4. Choose one: Kanye West or Taylor Swift.
  5. What topic(s) would you like to see covered on OFB?

We’ll start.


  1. I’d love to say none, but that would be a lie. Mad Men, Shark Tank, and LA Kings/Dodger games.
  2. These Teva Sandals on Amazon for $25. It’s my first clothing purchase in months and the price dropped 40% for no good reason (before promptly returning to regular price).
  3. Getting behind. If we miss a couple days, it’s really annoying to catch back up. If we miss a week, you might as well write our month off.
  4. Not gonna lie, I’ve jammed to Taylor on Spotify before (with the Private Session mode enabled). But a 28-year-old married man can only listen to so much teen angst. Kanye’s always got a permanent spot on my playlist. Kanye 1, Taylor 0.
  5. A post on “Why can I make a swimsuit last 5-10 years, but Joanna needs a new one every summer?” Also life insurance and home buying.


  1. Mad Men, Turn, and Parenthood if I’m in the mood for a good, hearty solo crying sesh.
  2. Strawberries, watermelon, and 2% milk from Costco.
  3. When only one of us is dedicated any given month. It’s hard to do all that expense tracking on your own.
  4. Hmm, that’s tough. I mostly listen to music when I’m running, and both of them have very jam-worthy songs. But I can listen to Taylor when Sally’s around, so she wins. 🙂
  5. More about the transition from WAHM to SAHM… because apparently SAHMs don’t work, pssh.

There are your Q’s. Now give us some A’s.

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  • Reply Angela Rupp May 5, 2014 at 7:19 am

    1. I’m currently in tv limbo;
    No new series I’m into, but me and hubby love us some House Hunters and Property Brothers.
    2. I bought some groceries and new lipstick.
    3. I’m frustrated w/ feeling constricted with special occasions. For example, just attended a baby shower, but had tight budget, and resent that. When I wanna spend, I wanna spend but my budget doesn’t agree.
    4. Taylor has some catchy tunes. Plus, she’s not a jerk. Taylor wins!
    5. I would like to see how you handle special occasions/holidays or other miscellaneous costs.

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 4:20 pm

      I love House Hunters, too! When our budget was at its tightest (mid-debt-payoff), I remember feeling resentful toward it more often than not. But by keeping things tight now, you’re gonna have more freedom down the road, which I’m sure you already know :)!

      And great post idea… we’ll do something about that soon!

  • Reply MomofTwoPreciousGirls May 5, 2014 at 8:35 am

    What TV show(s) are you into right now?
    Game of Thrones and Nurse Jackie

    Your most recent purchase. iPad Mini…with cash. Ebates was doing 4% cash back and we had a plan to do this anyway. Hubby did it 3 months ago so our 6yo (YES AS IN KINDERGARTENER) could use his old one because it was required for school. The little one will be heading to kindergarten in August and she is required to have one too. SERIOUSLY…we thought we would have the “everyone else has one” argument in 5-7 years. However, we were pressured by the school. Ridiculous!

    What’s your biggest frustration with keeping a budget? Gifts…while we have a small monthly gift line item May is a tough month. We haven’t built up enough and my two nieces and my daughter all have birthdays. We also need to have a party (don’t need too but I only do parties for certain years and this is the big 5!) a friend had a baby and we are throwing my sister a baby shower. And of course Mother’s Day! I really need to beef this area up. I underestimate what we need here.

    Choose one: Kanye West or Taylor Swift.
    Are we choosing who we hate more? I can’t choose!

    What topic(s) would you like to see covered on OFB? Looking forward to more about Joanna’s transition and how it goes. I work outside the home and truly love my industry (not necessarily what I’m doing right now). If I’m honest I feel more in control and valued at work! I could be with my kids no problem but I hate all forms of housework! Very lucky that my hubby doesn’t mind it. In our household he is more suited for being a stay at home dad.

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 4:24 pm

      That’s crazy they’re requiring iPads for your kindergartener! Wow!

      Very cool that you guys have found a good system for your husband being the one who stays at home! And I laughed out loud at your Kanye vs Taylor response!

  • Reply Rob May 5, 2014 at 8:55 am

    Mornin, J & J!

    Here be my answers:

    (1) NCIS (and before that series started it was JAG – see a pattern there?)

    (2) weekly groceries (I do the food shopping – getting all the flyer weekly specials – all under 1 hour – and spend less doing it than my wife – which is why she “outsourced” this weekly task to me)

    (3) Having kept a budget since we first got married, it comes natural to me – no biggie, other than making enough moola to go crazy some times! 🙂

    (4) I like blondes. My wife is blonde. Kanye is neither blonde nor a woman, so …. Taylor it is.

    (5) Talk about your neighborhood, your neighbors, your friends, your city’s points of interest, your places to go to relax, to shop, your parks, schools – TMI?
    (Big brother is watching!) 🙂

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 4:27 pm

      Well, if we weren’t worried about big brother before, you sure know how to make us paranoid! 😉

  • Reply Zoë May 5, 2014 at 9:02 am

    1 – Bones, Angel. No, I’m not a David Boreanaz freak, just a Netflix binger.

    2 – Movie tickets for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Our kids are huge superhero fans, so we have a tradition of seeing the movies on opening weekend.

    3 – There always seems to be a purchase that throws everything out of whack. And clothing. My son’s jeans and pants always seem to give out at the knee at the exact same time. Not being able to add to savings as I am unexpectedly unemployed.

    4 – Kanye from the pre-Kim era.

    5 – The long term pros and cons of renting vs. buying a house. We have bought our first house 10 yrs ago, but became renters again last year after a move for a new job. We lost money on the sale of our second house, and are not in a position to buy again anytime soon. At 40 (husband) and 39, we despair about starting over again, and taking on a mortgage in our mid-forties. We also wonder if it’s worth buying a house at that time when our kids will be (hopefully) leaving home 5-10 years later. So do we just save money for a possible downpayment, but then keep on renting, knowing we’ll be downsizing eventually (I picture us living in a downtown condo when we reach retirement)?

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 4:34 pm

      Netflix binging is nothing to be ashamed of… it’s one of my favorite hobbies! 🙂 And Kanye from the pre-Kim era is pretty much the perfect response.

      Great questions on #5… If you shoot us an email (http://www.ourfreakingbudget.com/contact-us/), we’d love to give a more thorough response. Either way, we’ll try to do a post on renting vs. buying soon!

  • Reply Reets May 5, 2014 at 9:29 am

    1) BONES!!
    2) Gently used couches- we are in the process of moving out of our first married apartment, we decided we don’t really want to spend a ton on furniture since we will be moving again in a year (my husband is graduating from a masters program)
    3) Out of no where expenses!
    4) Taylor Swift!
    5) Tips on cutting moving costs!

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 10:21 pm

      You’re smart to hold off on pricey furniture until you’re settled! No matter what we do, our furniture takes a beating each time we move!

  • Reply Kelly May 5, 2014 at 9:30 am

    1. Game of Thrones, Modern Family, Nashville and sadly the Real Housewives of the OC. I have watched every season so I cant stop now! haha.
    2. A printer for my new company I started on Etsy, North Grove. It was on sale and I had a Best Buy gift card for signing up for Directv through them. Only paid $19.00!!!
    3. That just when I feel good about where I’m at we have a large expense come up. Getting our savings up will help with those moments so hopefully that will end soon.
    4. Kanye! Just like question #1, I have been a fan since the early days so I cant stop now! Plus I’m over Taylor and her “I hate boys” songs.
    5. Im up for anything! Love the variety!

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 10:26 pm

      Haha, I love your logic, Kelly — “I’ve always been a fan, so I can’t stop now!” I have a few guilty pleasure TV shows I feel that way about, too!

  • Reply Little House May 5, 2014 at 9:45 am

    1 – I’d like to say none since I really don’t watch much TV, but this past year I’ve gotten hooked on a CW show- Reign. An immature guilty pleasure.

    2 – Three button down shirts and jean capris. I absolutely hate clothes shopping, but twice a year it’s a necessity and this weekend stores were having 50% off sales.

    3 – Groceries. As we’ve gotten older, we’ve become pickier with the kinds of food we buy. I like to buy what I like to eat and much of that is gluten free, healthier items that cost more.

    4 – Can I say neither? But if I had to choose, Kanye over Taylor any day!

    5 – Is it detrimental to retirement if you don’t buy a house before the age of 45 or 50? Living in Los Angeles, housing prices just seem so far fetched I’m not so sure we’ll be able to purchase a house in the next couple of years. But, if we wait, will we continue to be priced out? Or, do we bit the bullet, keep up with the payments, then sell when we’re ready to retire and move some place cheaper? Decisions, decisions.

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 10:30 pm

      I’ll have to look into Reign… I’ve been known to like a few shows on the CW :).

      And great topic idea! We’ll try to touch on the pros and cons in an upcoming post!

  • Reply Megyn May 5, 2014 at 9:49 am

    1. Goodness, I watch too much Hulu + HBOGO, but right now I’m really into Veep, Silicon Valley, Bob’s Burgers, Mindy Project, Vice, and our old standard of The Daily Show.

    2. $1o mini trampoline for our son’s 4th b-day tomorrow. We have a 12′ trampoline outside, but we wanted something to keep him active indoors during inclement weather. And we’re also tired of being climbed/jumped on.

    3. My biggest frustration has to be that I don’t budget in for me. I martyr myself for the benefit of my boys and husband. I keep saying that I’m going to save the money *I* make for the SLR camera I’ve been eying for years, but I keep putting it towards swim class, homebrew supplies for The Husband, etc.

    4. Can I choose neither? I think Taylor Swift is a more grounded/less annoying human being, but I’m not into either of their music.

    5. I’d like to hear more about the buying v. renting dilemma, especially when it comes to getting school-age kids settled. We’re in the midst of that dilemma.

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 10:52 pm

      Sounds like a very good use of $10 if it means you guys don’t get jumped on anymore! 🙂

      For big ticket items I want, I give Johnny very specific instructions for birthdays or Christmas. :). You work hard for your family, so it’s time you splurge on yourself, too. With Mother’s Day coming up, I think some good pampering is in order for you! 🙂

  • Reply Lilybett May 5, 2014 at 9:49 am

    1. Whatever docos ABC and SBS (Australia) are dealing up on their catch-up TV websites – most recently a really, really disturbing fly-on-the-way reality type show about Brits holidaying in Sunny Beach in Bulgaria. Apart from that digging on Dr Blake’s Murder Mysteries, The Americans, Law & Order UK, and (my secret TV shame) The Face (the US, UK and Aus versions – because I’m conducting some informal research into how Naomi Campbell as a human being in a modern society behaving the way she does.
    2. A Flynn the Fire Engine (Thomas the Tank Engine) Toy for my my and a copy of Janet Evanovich’s The Chase for me as special treats for getting a(nother) new job.
    3. Not being able to take advantage of a bargain right there, right then.
    4. Taylor Swift because I understand her kind of irritating more than I get Kanye’s. And I’d rather my son watched her music videos than his.
    5. More of whatever you’ve got. I’m digging the budget weekends/trips away.

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:04 pm

      Congrats on the new job!

      I hear ya on not being able to take advantage of a bargain when I want to. A few on-sale swimsuits have been screaming my name, but I’m holding strong!

  • Reply Anna // Gone Banannas May 5, 2014 at 12:27 pm

    First off, I love when you guys do this!
    1) IMy guilty pleasure right now is Chrisley Knows Best. Have you watched this? I am pretty darn shocked (and maybe a little worried) at how funny I find this show.
    2) Exercise gear for my new running program that I am following!
    3) It’s hard to stay true to your budget when you have family or friends visiting from out of town. I always spend way more money than I think I am going to.
    4) T. Swift all the way. I am concerned about Kanye’s mental state, and Taylor puts on one HELL of a show.
    5) I am not sure about this one because I think you guys have a lot of variety to your blog which I really enjoy.. I am definitely looking forward to seeing how the transition goes to SAHM for Joanna though!

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:11 pm

      I haven’t heard of Chrisley Knows best, but I’ll have to look into it — I’m always up for a new guilty pleasure. 🙂

  • Reply Elizabeth H May 5, 2014 at 12:46 pm

    1. Bates Motel! Seriously the most disturbing yet most interesting show! I recommend this one because it’s the prequel to the famous “Psycho” movie. It’s a must watch! I swear!

    2. Cinco de Mayo-Nacho Bar meal from Whole Foods Market. I Iove eating here on my lunch break…but I just wasn’t feeling today :/

    3. My biggest frustration with keeping a budget is that I don’t have one :'( I’m turning 21 this Wednesday and I am HORRIBLE at keeping track of money.

    4. Kanye West hands down. Taylor Swift is great and all but despite his cocky, arrogant personality, he will always be on my playlist over Taylor’s.

    5. I love every single one of your posts, but I think I would reallllyy love to hear more about how you guy became so frugal with expenses before, during, or after college. I work a full time job so unfortunately Financial Aid denied me, what would your advice be on education and battling with income during college?

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:18 pm

      I’ve heard a few other good things about Bates Motel. We’ll have to give it a try!

      And great topic ideas… we’ll try to touch on more college-related posts soon. That seems like a really backwards system that you’d be penalized for working while in school. We took school loans while in college and worked part-time, and we’d probably do it again since our schooling opened up doors for better employment opportunities.

  • Reply Melinda May 5, 2014 at 12:54 pm

    I recently discovered your blog through a post featured elsewhere in which you described your techniques for finding ways to fly for free. As someone old enough to be your mother, I must tell you how impressed I am by your focus and intentional use of money. Kudos! Now I check on your blog everyday to see how you and the baby are doing. I want to encourage you in your efforts and tell you, the budgeting is worth it! I only wish I had started as early as you. I find that you are actually helping me tweak my budgeting–never too old to learn new tricks. Oh, and I’m recommending you to all the young people in my world.
    Even though I’m not in your age group, I do like your questions and you’ll see, my answers will probably date me–
    1. We regularly watch “Jeopardy” and are absolutely hooked on “Big Bang Theory” and “Good Wife.” I’m personally hooked on “Blacklist” but husband won’t give it a chance.
    2. I bought clothes for work and for summer vacation.
    3. Our budget gets stressed by our love of the theater and travel.
    4. I never listen to West but an occasional Swift song is tolerable
    5. I’m looking forward to regular updates on Joanna’s SAHM status. I especially appreciate the “nerdy” posts about retirement savings vehicles and your actual budgeting strategies.

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:26 pm

      Welcome, Melinda! Glad to have you as a reader. And thank you for the words of encouragement! My sister-in-law keeps raving about The Good Wife, and after hearing you say you’re hooked, too, I’m going to have to watch it!

  • Reply Yvann May 5, 2014 at 2:49 pm

    Time to come out of lurk-land… been reading OFB for more than a year now but time to answer one of these “about you”s!

    1. Suits. Castle. And trying to get back in to Gilmore Girls.
    2. Curtains that didn’t fit the window (they were a cheap attempt to solve a problem with a minimum of effort). So they’ll be going on eBay and my safety-pin-held-together-effort will have to do…
    3. Doing it by myself. And getting too bogged down in it.
    4. Taylor. I can’t deal with Kanye’s aggro.
    5. Looking forward to seeing how Joanna gets on with being a SAHM; I also really like the “we’re just normal people. This is how we dealt with a normal money frustration” like cost of housing, cost of running a car, saving money on food etc

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:36 pm

      Welcome to the land of commenting, Yvann! Glad to have you! I’m a bit of a bookworm myself, so I really loved perusing your blog just now! I’ll be adding it to my Reader :).

  • Reply Nicole May 5, 2014 at 3:06 pm

    1. GAME Of THRONES. Also planning on starting the latest season of Mad Men on Netflix when I begin nursing another newborn in 2 weeks-ish.

    2. Lunch at Panera Bread, yum!

    3. Well right now the budget is all over the place as we are a) expecting baby #2 in a couple weeks, and b) are selling our house/closing on a new one. We have been eating out more and have quite a few one-time expenses that, while we have saved for, still make it seem like we are bleeding money right now.

    4. Taylor by default because Kanye seems like such an a**hole, to put it nicely.

    5. SAHM posts, and ways you are saving money on everyday things now that Johanna is home.

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:40 pm

      A good show is a must during those newborn days! How exciting to be adding a little one to your family soon! Good luck with it all!

      And money always flies out of our bank account when we’re moving. Things will be back to normal before long. Good luck with the move, too!

  • Reply Tarynkay May 5, 2014 at 3:56 pm

    1) My husband and I are currently binge watching Ugly Betty on Netflix. He LOVES it. We are really behind on TV.

    2) Ugh, groceries.

    3) Having to spend money on boring stuff instead of fun stuff.

    4) Kanye

    5) I am obsessed with estate planning lately (like the kind you do to protect your kids) so I would love to see you guys tackle that. Also, will Joanna continue to save for her retirement now that she is SAHMing it up? How will that work?

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:42 pm

      I hate spending money on boring stuff, too!! And great topic ideas… I’ll have more SAHM details coming soon!

  • Reply Halsy May 5, 2014 at 4:41 pm

    Sahm best “job” I have ever had/most fun but also the most difficult and demanding!
    1. I am currently enjoying Call the Midwife, Once Upon a Time and NCIS.
    2. Nothing fun just groceries 🙁
    3. Remembering to put in the receipts and then when my hubby gives me about 15 from his wallet at one time!
    4. Not a fan of either but I will go with Kayne. Only stipulation is definitely pre Kardashian.
    5. I would like to see more financial family
    Planning topics and also am interested in a Sahm series(financial changes if any, emotional etc).

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:45 pm

      So happy to be joining you and others in the official SAHM ranks, Halsy! Once I get my groove in my new role, I’m excited to share more deets!

  • Reply j.mill May 5, 2014 at 4:45 pm

    Why does Parenthood know how to get you all welled up? I cry literally every other episode.

    1) Veep is underrated. Love Parks & Rec. and The Mindy Project.
    2) Work pants at TJMaxx.
    3) Having to cut back when the necessities take up more than their fair share (i.e. my MR. is on a medical witch-hunt and it’s costing $$$$, even with insurance. It’ll be worth it if we can find out what’s ailing him.)
    4) I like both of their music, but think they are probably both hollywood-diluted… so both? or neither? I can’t tell…
    5) Government bonds. My grandmother bought some for me when I was a baby. Some have vested, some have not. The tax implications on them are confusing (i.e. if I use them for education, they aren’t taxed but I am done with higher ed… so…. what now??).

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:48 pm

      A few people have mentioned Veep. We’ll have to check it out! And I hope your Mr. is able to figure things out soon!

  • Reply Kassandra May 5, 2014 at 6:19 pm

    1. I’m liking Resurrection at the moment. Because we don’t subscribe to cable we depend on the DTV antenna to get some channels and sometimes I don’t get to see that show clearly.
    2. Leather boots at DSW
    3. When my DH goes to grocery store and buys more than the list I made out…and we end up over budget.
    4. I enjoy most of Kanye’s music but could do without the diva attitude he’s got!
    5. Definitely interested in Joanna’s transition to her soon to be SAHM life. Also how your budget/spending is going due to living on one income!

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:52 pm

      I’ll have to look into Resurrection… I’m learning about so many great shows in this post!

      I’m excited to share more about how our budget/spending/and lives in general have changed since quitting!

    • Reply Miranda May 8, 2014 at 5:47 pm

      Have you heard of Aereo? It’s kind of like Netflix, but local channel for $8/month. And you can save shows to watch later.

      • Reply Kassandra May 9, 2014 at 6:00 pm

        Miranda, thanks for the suggestion and I will check that out!

  • Reply Tabitha May 5, 2014 at 11:14 pm

    What TV show(s) are you into right now?
    JAG, John Doe, Once Upon A Time, and Arrow.
    Your most recent purchase.
    Chocolate covered almonds from a Dove Chocolate in home party 🙂 well…ordered, and moola was shelled out for the deliciousness, I’m still awaiting the package. (And beside the fact they’re chocolate, it feels guilt free, since the money spent was budgeted beforehand! Love it when we can do that:-)
    What’s your biggest frustration with keeping a budget?
    I’ll second what Johnny said, getting behind is very frustrating.
    Choose one: Kanye West or Taylor Swift.
    Neither? I’ll listening to Swift occasionally, but not a huge fan, and then I’m not familiar with West, so can’t really pick one over t’other.
    What topic(s) would you like to see covered on OFB?
    One on how misc. and unexpected non emergency costs are handled or encorporated into your budget.

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:55 pm

      Those chocolate-covered almonds sound like a very splurge-worthy purchase! And the fact that it was budgeted already makes it even better :).

      Great topic idea! We’ll be doing a related post soon!

  • Reply Carla May 6, 2014 at 1:20 pm

    1. I’m catching up on Psych season 7 now that it’s on Netflix. 😀
    2. A delicious vegan philly cheesesteak from a local cafe.
    3. Feeling like I have no money to spend even though I’ve got a ton in the bank.
    4. Ugh. Taylor, if I must.
    5. Life insurance! That stuff makes NO sense. I’d also like to second government bonds and estate planning that I saw people suggesting above. Oh, and financing education. I’m going back to school, but can’t get student loans for prerequisite classes. Also, student loans. My dad took care of the stuff the first time around, so I have no idea what I’m doing.

    • Reply Joanna May 7, 2014 at 11:57 pm

      Thanks for the topic ideas, Carla! Johnny just got our life insurance stuff squared away, so he’ll be doing a post on that soon!

  • Reply Wade May 6, 2014 at 1:40 pm

    What TV show(s) are you into right now?

    House of Cards on Netflix

    Your most recent purchase.?

    I bought a 1986 Ford F-150 2wd pickup for $300. It needs some help.

    What’s your biggest frustration with keeping a budget?

    School fundraiser things, shoes for our 3 girls (876 pairs and counting), car repairs

    Choose one: Kanye West or Taylor Swift.

    Taylor Swift in a landslide.

    What topic(s) would you like to see covered on OFB?

    A good variety..you are doing a great job.

    • Reply Joanna May 8, 2014 at 12:00 am

      We binged on each season of House of Cards as soon as they came out. That show is messed up, and yet we had to keep watching! 🙂

      You’re a good dad to understand that girls just NEED 876 pairs of shoes. 😉

  • Reply Miranda May 8, 2014 at 5:39 pm

    1. Game of Thrones and Vikings. Apparently, I’m into violence right now.
    2. A sandwich delivery from Jimmy Johns. Pepe. 86 the tomatoes. Holla!
    3. The budget is the opposite of frustrating when everything is working as it should. That part brings me great peace. It’s the extraneous and emergency expenses that really get me. For example, did you know that if your main line goes down, and you need an E.R. plumber at 9 PM because raw sewage is backing up into your shower basin mid-shampoo, it will only set you back $280? An hour.
    4. Neither, I do like Kanye’s music more, but I would actually love to see them do a song together, if only for the potential gold mine of awkwardness that would be that music video. I think it would make Bound 2 reasonably comfortable to watch. And I’d love to see what Seth Rogen and James Franco would do with that one.
    5. I’d love to see a post about the budget do’s and don’ts of gift giving. Not just for Christmas, but more along the lines of how much of your overall budget should you set aside for gifts and what if you are suddenly invited to a birthday party that you weren’t expecting, is that an emergency, and what to do about the terrifying owl statue your mother gave you three years ago, etc?

    • Reply Joanna May 9, 2014 at 10:14 am

      Haha… agreed! Kanye and Taylor need to do a music video together STAT!

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