Oh boy am I glad to finally be writing this post. For over a week now, we’ve been having some major troubles with our website. You may have noticed that our site has been down, or that it’s been loading slowly, or that you haven’t been able to comment. Or if you’re super lucky, maybe you’ve experienced all of those lovely things! But as of last night, we’re officially back in business and switched to a new host!
Our former website host, Bluehost, was a nightmare. When our site was slow or down, they would deny it. And they were unresponsive and slow. Our site was down for three days, and they did nothing about it. At least once a month we had something go terribly wrong. And if there’s one thing you don’t mess with, it’s a couple personal finance bloggers that are OCD about getting every penny’s worth. Bluehost, you are now a four-letter-word on our site. “What a piece of Bluehost.” That’s about as edgy as things are going to get around here, so savor that moment.
So that’s my horror story for the day. And now… Happy Halloween!!! Admittedly, Johnny and I are pretty low-key — okay, lame — when it comes to Halloween. But this year we have a little chubster who’s just begging to be dressed up. Or maybe we’re begging her to let us dress her up. The important thing is, today our girl is an elephant. We spent $13 on her costume from Costco, and we haven’t looked back once.
So without further ado, our nine-month-old elephant:
Admittedly, our girll wasn’t thrilled the first time we put it on her, but she has since come around. Today we’ll be going to Johnny’s office for a Halloween party for the employees’ kiddos. And this evening we’ll be hitting up my sister’s neighborhood for a teeny bit of trick-or-treating. What are your spooktabulous Halloween plans? Oh, and what’s your costume? Johnny and I are wearing wolf shirts and calling it good (don’t judge).
Well Halloween around here has been re-scheduled for tomorrow night due to weather (I’m not making this up). I’m not dressing up this year, but our little guy is going as a dragon.
What?! That’s crazy talk. Well, thankfully your little dragon isn’t old enough to know he has to wait an extra night. I have a feeling older kids wouldn’t handly that news very well! 🙂
^^^ same with us! But we don’t have children and don’t really “do” Halloween. It’ll be a quiet, stormy night in for us, my favorite! Cuuuute elephant! Love the costume.
A stormy night seems like a must for Halloween. Pair that with a thriller or horror movie, and you’ve got the perfect scary night!
What an adorable little elephant. Almost makes me want a kid so I can dress him/her up… doesn’t even have to be Halloween! 😉
Thanks! Dressing her up has been really fun lately. I swear her clothes are cuter than my own!
Well guys, I was planning to drive an hour over to our daughter’s tonight to take her little ones out trick or treating tonight but, due to the lousy weather here today, she phoned to say that it wasn’t a good idea and that I should stay home so she and my wife wouldn’t worry. Bummer! What’s a little wind and rain. I was willing to go. Anywho, guess I’ll just stay home instead, hand out goodies here to whomever is brave enough to venture out tonight and – quietly celebrate my b/day in my Halloween b/day suit costume! (not!) 🙂
Danged weather! My only advice is that if you are going to answer the door tonight, don’t do it in your birthday suit! That could cause some problems.
Also, Happy Birthday!! Hope it’s a good one!
How cute! You guys should do a post on your new host and such. I’ve heard Bluehost is great, so I’d love to hear more about your experiences.
Thanks, Carla!
I don’t know much about our new host, or our old host for that matter, but I’m sure Johnny would be happy to share more about it!
Your elephant is adorable! I want to see the wolf shirts, too- do you mean like the awesome ones you can buy at gas stations with lightning bolts on them?
My two year old son’s favorite book is “I Want My Hat Back”- we read it twenty times a day. So we are all going to be the characters from the book. My son is going to be a fox, my husband will be the bear with a little red hat, and I will be the deer (with antlers made of a coat hanger, tin foil, and tape. Super fancy.) We have a stuffed rabbit to bring along and we are debating giving him dead rabbit X eyes. I think it’s a little creepy, my husband says yes, yes, that is the point, it is supposed to be creepy.
Anyhow, probably no one knows what I am talking about. That is okay. We have a long family tradition of dressing up as book characters that no one has ever heard of- my sister was the Blue Nosed Witch every year while we were growing up.
Yes, those very shirts! Johnny has several for some reason.
I love your costume ideas! More people should dress up as book characters! And, I love when the parents and child (children) do a themed costume. Maybe someday we’ll get around to trying that!
I hope your honesty about your bad host experience helps other bloggers. I love it when bloggers pull back the curtain like that.
As for your elephant/wolf-shirt family theme, I dig it!
Thanks, J.Mill. We would definitely not recommend Bluehost to anyone now. We really tried to make it work with them, but it just didn’t!
When my son was 3 he wanted to be a dinosaur, so I bought a costume (similar to this in that it was full body and furry). He wouldn’t put it on. WOULD.NOT.EVEN. I ended up having to buy him something else because he was so terrified. Glad your baby girl got over it!
Thanks, Jodi!
And OH MY that is terrible! (and kind of hilarious!) You never know what kids are going to be afraid of. Let’s hope tonight she doesn’t change her mind again!
Your baby’s super cute~!!!!
My hubby has class and I’ll be visiting my mom. No Halloween event for us. Maybe next year~
Thanks, Michelle!
You guys sound like Johnny and me pre-baby. We’re finally celebrating this year because of her!
I love the elephant!! My niece has a tiger that looks similar to it. She loves hers, but she is about six months older than that little doll baby of yours. My nephews are the always classic power rangers, no joke (there are three of them, but they are all different colors). My sister is a leopard and the other sister is a witch. We are planning to hit the neighborhood if it doesn’t get to bad out, but the backup plan is Wal-Mart. Each department gives out candy to the kid-o’s. There are also lots of Trunk-or-Treats at the churches, and the city event will be tomorrow night. Needless to say, the kids will be stocked up when we get done!! I can’t wait though!
Thanks, Mary!
Yowza, you guys have lots of options! How awesome. The kids are going to have the night of their lives! I’m sure it will be so fun seeing how excited they are. Have a great night!
She’s soooo cute 🙂 Love her! I wonder if that pine cone tasted yummy…
Thanks, Melanie!
She seems to love eating the inedible stuff more than real food these days! I don’t get it!
That is one adorable baby elephant! That’s probably my favourite part of Halloween these days, seeing all the cute babies in costumes 🙂
And I agree… this year especially I’m obsessed with all the dressed up babies. I finally have a reason to love Halloween!
Since its Emmett’s first Halloween we are going to my grandparents’ house were we went every year growing up. Emmett has two costumes a football bunting costume that he’ll end the night in and a hand me down monkey costume that is too big,
That last picture is too adorable for words. I don’t have any plans for Halloween as I don’t have any kids and I’m too old to be trick-or-treating, but I did get a chance to see my coworkers’ little ones as they stopped by in their costumes. So cute! One was Snow White and the other was Dorothy. My big plans are really for tomorrow, with half off candy/other Halloween things. Last year I got a yummy cupcake mix for something like 70 cents at Target.
What an adorable elephant! I’m not a Halloween person because I don’t like skimpy outfits and clubbing, but I have a feeling my love of the holiday will be rekindled when I have kids to dress up and take trick-or-treating :).
Good grief, that is the cutest child in a costume I’ve seen all day! I love it, she is absolutely adorable! ..and I’m sure you’ve never heard that before 🙂 Hope you guys had a great and fun Halloween!
I have Bluehost for my site. It was down the yesterday I noticed. I am not big time enough that it is costing me money, but it is annoying. I should probably look into another host. Little girl is as cute as ever.
The pine cone eating picture killed me. Gosh she’s such a cutie. Oh and great minds think alike because my little one was an elephant last year for her first Halloween 🙂 maybe we’re in sync (bye, bye, bye!) and you’ll pick the same costume next year of what my little one was this year?! just in case there’s some static between our vibes.. (she was a fox this year).