Monthly Baby Costs: Month Six

Wynn Six Months

Oh my goodness! Our little girl is half a year old?! Actually, we’re loving being at this stage. It’s crazy how much more we’ve been able to enjoy having a baby this second time. With our first, we (okay, mostly me) were so worried about doing everything right. But this second time around, we are savoring each and every month. I still worry plenty about our oldest, of course :).

General Baby Thoughts

Winnie is so much fun, and it’s really been a blast getting to see her personality shine through. She’s the sweetest little girl, always ready to give a grin or a giggle. But she’s also a determined little thing. She’s already scooting all over the room on her belly and getting into all kinds of trouble. She especially likes to go for Sally’s trains or other toys, and Sally immediately yanks them away with a “No, that’s mine, Winnie!!” But we’re working on that :). We’re also working on sleep training right now, and we’re making slow, yet steady progress. We’re hoping once Winnie’s consistently sleeping through the night, the two girls can finally start sharing a room.

And this is the big month of Winnie starting solid foods! Up until this point, she’s been nursing exclusively. But for about a month now, she’s been trying to grab anything and everything we eat or drink and put it in her own mouth. If she’s within reach of, say, my bowl of cereal in the morning, she will dump it all over the coffee table and carpet within seconds. Not that I know this from experience or anything…

Financial Baby Thoughts

This past month was much more expensive than previous months because I finally broke down and bought a few items for Winnie. Our little hand-me-down girl has a few new items to call her own at last!

She has been referred to as a boy more times than I can count, so I bought a 5-pack of girly head wraps from Amazon ($14) for her. I also got her two other head wraps from an Etsy shop ($20). While buying from Etsy can be pricier sometimes, I love having excuses to support those hard-working entrepreneurs :).

And because of the time of year that Sally was born, I have no 6–12 month clothes for fall and winter. So I bought six adorable long-sleeved onesies and four pairs of pants for little Winnie ($45). On top of that, since we started sleep training, I wanted to make sure Winnie wasn’t waking up in the night from being chilled, so I bought her a sleep sack ($20) (which we’ve both loved, by the way). Lastly, we bought bulk diapers ($45) and bulk wipes ($20) on Amazon. So the grand total for month six comes to $164, our most expensive month yet! And she hasn’t even started eating solids! But I think we should be good on clothes for the season and good on diapers and wipes for the next couple of months. So no more expensive months for a while… well, until Christmas ;).

Wynn Six Months

Wynn Six Months

For those of you with a little babe(s) of your own, how do we relate or differ? Also, if you’re interested, here’s Sally’s six-month update :). 

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  • Reply Suzanne October 19, 2015 at 7:25 am

    Hi Joanna! Love Winnie’s monthly updates, herself and Sally is the last pic is beyond cute! Just found out I’m pregnant (gosh, it feels weird to even say it!) so I’ll be paying close attention to the baby posts! My head is swimming with all things baby at the moment! As this is our first, everything will need to be got but hoping to get hand-me-downs from my family as it is costly to be getting (and unnecessary) everything brand new so will defo have to sit down and work out a baby budget… 5 weeks along and I’m already patting my belly nite nite! I know, ridiculous 🙂 🙂

    • Reply Joanna October 19, 2015 at 1:18 pm

      Oh my goodness! Congrats!! I’m so excited for you. It can feel kind of overwhelming to prepare for, but you’ve got plenty of time to plan and newborns really don’t need much (just diapers and wipes, really!, haha). Good luck in the coming months, and I hope you’re feeling well!

      • Reply Suzanne October 20, 2015 at 3:23 am

        Thanks so much Joanna! Feeling ok so far! Fingers crossed x

  • Reply Cat@BudgetBlonde October 19, 2015 at 5:12 pm

    Cute photos of your girls! This is a great idea to add up what it really costs to have a baby. Of course, it’s cheaper when you have many hand-me-downs, but the idea is still great!

    • Reply Joanna October 20, 2015 at 2:30 am

      Thanks, Cat!

  • Reply Katie October 19, 2015 at 6:44 pm

    Your girls are so beautiful! I’ll have to refer back to your baby cost posts when we have our first sometime next year. Keep them coming! 🙂

    • Reply Joanna October 20, 2015 at 2:35 am

      Thanks, Katie! Parenthood is a game changer, financially and otherwise, but it’s also the best! 🙂

  • Reply Courtney October 20, 2015 at 1:43 pm

    Your girls are both so cute! The best thing we did budget-wise at this stage in the game was to make our own baby food. It is so cost effective and really doesn’t take much time at all- really maybe 15-20 minutes a week is all and sometimes it was up to 80% cheaper to make my own than buy it. (With my second baby we did buy a little baby food, especially for when we were traveling or out and about during meal time, but I still probably made 90% of his baby food) Then we had generous neighbors with amazing gardens giving us their huge squash and zucchini, and we literally had months of free baby food!

  • Reply Katie B. October 20, 2015 at 4:09 pm

    Well, as always… I still don’t see how you can keep yourself from spending more on clothes! Ugh, I am such a sucker for little girl clothes! Our youngest is now 6 weeks old and our biggest expense so far has been pumping supplies. I am pumping exclusively and while I had a good bit of stuff on hand before she was born, I had to get even more when I switched to EPing (like a second set of parts). All in all, I think we spent around $100 on the stuff. But now those bigger ticket items are out of the way, so I’ll just have to add the little stuff we’ll be buying regularly (like freezer bags) to our monthly budget.

  • Reply Janine October 22, 2015 at 11:31 am

    My baby girl is just a few weeks ahead of yours, born on April 9th. Shes our first baby and i have a hard time not buying cute clothes for her, ive stocked up her wardrobe up to size 2T! (also people gave us lots of clothes as gifts) Also formula fed which costs a small fortune. I bought lots of diapers ahead of time so at least we don’t spend on that. You sound like you’ve done well to keep your costs down with baby #2

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