Every Friday, I get the itch to sign all of my work emails with TGIF!!! I can usually resist this urge. But this last Friday I couldn’t contain my excitement for the weekend, and “TGIF!” was flying off my fingertips like nothing else.
Friday our girl hit her eight-month mark! What the? Time is flying, people!!
We started off the weekend right with a Friday night of games and homemade chocolate chip cookies with good friends.
Saturday started out with beautiful skies, and Johnny and I were thrilled for our first home football game at our alma mater.
On the way to the game, we got stuck in the craziest storm of our lives. And we were on our Vespa! We got soaked to the bone and almost drowned. Like, really. Luckily, some kind souls let us park the bike and ride the rest of the way to the game with them. And our team beat Texas! Go Cougs! (And we had a night sans baby. Double win!)
What did you do this weekend? Is anyone else’s fall weekend schedule completely at the mercy of college football?
p.s. This week we’ll be discussing goals — of the financial variety. So stay tuned!
Our weekends are always at the mercy of college football. Great victory over Texas. Go Cougars!
You know what’s up.
Have been counting down the seconds until college football starts! Sorry baseball ~ you just don’t do it for me!
GO NOLES!! (I’m biased, but did you see the AMAZING game that freshman Jameis Winston had?! He set the bar pretty high for the rest of the season…)
I’m a baseball fan, but it pales in comparison to college football. I’ve been watching your Noles and that amazing QB. He’s got like, what, 4 incompletions on the YEAR?! You’ve got a fun team to follow this year.