Was anyone else sad to see this weekend end? I sure was. We had a blast. I feel like it was our final farewell to summer, but maybe that’s just because our condo’s pool officially closed over the weekend. But I’m hoping we can still squeeze in a few more summertime activities before Utah decides to turn chilly — or better yet, dump snow on us in September (it’s been known to happen!). Fingers crossed for an Indian summer, amiright? I love fall and all, but you won’t see me celebrating summer’s end.
So, as you sip your morning coffee and silently rejoice over a four-day work week, let me share a little about our weekend:
This girl had her very first “baby” cookie and thoroughly enjoyed it, if you can’t tell. She was held at arm’s length and rushed to the tub afterward. Totally worth it.
For the second time since coming out to Utah, we went rock climbing! I really loved it this time, and Johnny’s always loved it. I’m thinking both of us need a pass to the rock climbing gym this fall — not just Johnny.
This little lady woke us up a bajillion times Sunday night. She kept rolling onto her belly in bed and crying because she couldn’t figure out how to get to her back again. At 4:30 a.m., she ended up in bed with us.
Our weekend includes a lot of baby-centered stuff still, it seems. It will be nice to find a babysitter around these parts soon so we can enjoy some one-on-one time every once in a while!
What did you do this weekend, friends? Anyone else trying to savor every last drop of summer left?
Savor? Yes. I went camping for the first time in forever. The Boy Scout in me kicked in, and I had a blast. Camping, downhill biking, beer tasting, and disc golf. My bank account, however, is in need of some serious tender love and care. I need to revamp my system and get some fresh saving ideas. Here’s to a 4-day work week!
Yep, the summer feels like it sure has flown by fast, what with all my outdoor house improvement projects on the go, of which the final one I continued to work on over the weekend (yep, even on Labor Day – lol) – building an interlocking stone front walkway. But that’s how it is when one’s retired – one day leads into the next, even over weekends. Happy to see that you guys all had a great weekend, sleep deprivation notwithstanding! 🙂
I did a ton of relaxing but did manage to stumble on a music group in a nearby park! I’m kind of glad that summer is winding down, but I love the heat! I have been jonesing for a garden but am in a high-rise rental until April. Once no one has a garden, I’ll feel better. 😀
Crossing my fingers for no snow before Halloween for you guys!
Not sure where the weekend went, but glad it’s a short week! I am hoping and praying for a nice long fall or a short winter or both!
I had a lovely, relaxing weekend. Had some friends over on Saturday and we played boardgames and ate loads of brownies!:-) Definitely a low key, but great weekend:-)
I don’t even notice the changes in season anymore! Everything runs together…especially in GA where the seasons are just really spring and summer! We work year round the kids are in daycare, so I really just live for each weekend!
Oh my that baby has the cutest squeezable cheeks!!! I know it is hard to resist, especially when mom and dad are too tired to fight it, BUT be careful about bringing her in bed! Right when my oldest started teething (always 4 teeth at a time) I started just bringing her in our bed. She is now 5 and a half ans one of us has to sleep with her at least 3 nights a week and she cannot fall asleep unless we lay there with her…no matter how long it takes!!! The little one never had an option to sleep with us bc her sister took up all the space and she has no problems falling asleep or staying in her bed herself!