Just A Little Bit About Us

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Joanna and Johnny of Our Freaking Budget

Yo. So before we jump into our sappy story, we want to tell you why we started Our Freaking Budget. We’re here to tell average 20- and 30-somethings that they can learn how to manage their money. Want to know how we know that? Because if we could figure this crap out, anyone can. Seriously.

Johnny and I started off our marriage with zero financial guidance. In fact, my last financial hurrah before getting married was over-drafting my checking account — whoops. So when we did rendezvous at the altar, I brought some Southern cooking know-how and, oh, some $10,000 of student loan debt. Johnny, on the other hand, was more money conscious than I was, and while he didn’t have much as a college student, he kept close track of what money he did have.

Together we opened a joint checking account and decided from day one that our financial future would be just that — a joint effort. With a marriage started on just a couple hundred in the bank, several Target gift cards, and little-to-no financial assistance from parents, we’ve been learning ever since to financially prepare ourselves as a couple.

Fast-forward eight years. We’ve now been out of school five years, we’ve paid off $20,000 in student debt (read all about that here) and we’ve added a baby girl (with another on the way) to our brood. And while we’ve figured out the gist of managing our money, we still find ourselves in a love-hate relationship with “our freaking budget.” From saving money on everyday expenses to deciphering four-letter 401k-type words, we’re determined to grow our modest nest egg and document our journey along the way. We’d love for you to join us.

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