About You #4

Hello My Name Is Beowulf

Enough about us. Time to hear from you. So let’s pretend we’re sitting in a circle doing awkward introductions with the following questions:

  1. What/when was your last purchase?
  2. What websites do you visit every morning?
  3. Other than retirement and/or debt, what are you saving for?
  4. Choose one: Screech or Urkel?
  5. Topic(s) you’d like to see us cover. Or not.

We’ll go first.


  1. Five Guys. Saturday night. Don’t judge.
  2. CNN, ESPN, Google Reader (which is going to die soon… RIP), Twitter.
  3. Enough toward a mortgage so that we avoid that pesky PMI.
  4. Tough. Probably Urkel. Screech was a slimy nerd. The kind that probably smells. Urkel seems like he had his act together.
  5. How to make money with your stay-at-home-cat.


  1. Pack of 222 Huggies diapers. I NEVER want to risk running out. Ever.
  2. Google Reader, Pinterest, Goodreads.
  3. A house to call our own.
  4. Screech. I always felt kind of sorry for him.
  5. How we made $1,000,000 in one day! Except that we haven’t, so that’d be a tough one to write.

Alright, your turn. Ready…GO!

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  • Reply Melissa June 5, 2013 at 8:00 am

    1.What/when was your last purchase? an Iced coffee from McD’s. the one on my way to work is the only one in my area that sells the small iced coffess and they are $1!

    2.What websites do you visit every morning? Google Reader/Feedly I do a quick sweep of facebook once I get to work.

    3.Other than retirement and/or debt, what are you saving for? Brazil for World Cup 2014!

    4.Choose one: Screech or Urkel? Urkel.

    5.Topic(s) you’d like to see us cover. Or not. errrrrrrrrrrrmmmmm, y’all do a pretty good job now!

    • Reply Johnny June 5, 2013 at 11:38 pm

      I’m not even a soccer fan, but I’ll admit I’m envious of your #3. I’ve watched every USA match the last few World Cups and those game day environments always seem pretty awesome.

      • Reply Melissa June 6, 2013 at 9:37 am

        It’s the most amazing atmosphere. The US supporter’s group is doing a great package that includes your flights to and from Brazil, the 13 nights in a hotel for group stages, and transportation to and from matches from our home base. It’s expensive, but even I, who is practically a professional travel planner, am fine with throwing my money at a package for the conveneince of having all the logistics handled for me on a trip of this magnitude.

  • Reply Mrs. Pop @ Planting Our Pennies June 5, 2013 at 8:01 am

    1. Fenders for my bike
    2. Our site, google reader, NYT, WSJ, Google & Yahoo Finance
    3. Just those two at the moment
    4. Jaleel White was hot when non-Urkel. Dustin Diamond… not so much.
    5. No idea. I’m really liking the 50 states series, though!

    • Reply Johnny June 5, 2013 at 11:42 pm

      I can’t speak to the hotness, but Jaleel White’s post-Family Matters fame is certainly more savory than the Screech creep.

  • Reply Heather June 5, 2013 at 8:25 am

    1. The last time I spent money was a couple days ago – $$ on my transit card, and food. I like expensive cheese 😉
    2. E-mail, FB, a couple newspaper sites, a few blogs.
    3. A trip home this summer, and my winter sports activities. Winter sports are more expensive than summer ones! Plus I put money aside for taxes, my bike (repairs, new parts etc.), and fitness classes. After the debt is gone, I want to save for a non-going home vacation, and a new road bike 🙂
    4. I think Urkel. He was annoying in an endearing kind of way.
    5. Can’t really think of anything…you cover a lot!

    • Reply Johnny June 5, 2013 at 11:45 pm

      Winter sports are super expensive! I’ve only been snowboarding a handful of times since getting married because of the crazy costs. Major bummer.

  • Reply D5 June 5, 2013 at 8:29 am

    1. A present for my niece’s birthday.
    2. Mint, Facebook, and a quick check of the personal finance blogs (new content, huzzah!)
    3. Down payment for a house (sooomedaaaaay, over the rainbow)
    4. I only watched PBS when I was a kid, so can I go with Bill Nye?
    5. It’s been interesting to see your articles evolve with the addition of the little one, so as far as I’m concerned just keep doing what you’re doing.

    • Reply Johnny June 5, 2013 at 11:46 pm

      Bill Nye is always an acceptable answer for every question.

  • Reply Jodi T. June 5, 2013 at 9:29 am

    1. *hanging my head in shame* A sausage biscuit from McD’s this morning. :/
    2. Bloglovin, Facebook, Yahoo Mail
    3. Down payment for a house
    4. Urkel fo’ sho
    5. I’m new here so I don’t really know what you already have covered, but I’m gonna throw “Sticking to your budget even when you really don’t want to, and you have money burning a hole in your pocket” out there.

    • Reply Johnny June 5, 2013 at 11:48 pm

      Don’t you dare hang your head over a sausage biscuit. Few things are more glorious than a McDonald’s breakfast sandwich.

      #5 is great.

  • Reply Brian June 5, 2013 at 9:43 am

    1. A tank of gas on the way to work
    2. nothing to exciting so it’s not worth saying
    3. Vacations, need to take the little guy to visit his homeland and see who he was named after. My wife wants me to track down my birth mother while we are there, but that’s probably not going to happen. Also Oktoberfest is always fun so I would do that again. I wonder if they frown upon strapping a baby to your chest while drinking litres of beer…
    4. Screech, even though he is know a creepy boxing porno type guy. Fun fact about Urkel… Jaleel White tried out to be Rudy Huxtable, so I guess it is a good thing he didn’t get that role!
    5.I demand more Levar Burton and articles about robots!

    • Reply Johnny June 5, 2013 at 11:55 pm

      That motherland trip sounds awesome. And I see nothing wrong with wearing your baby to Oktoberfest. Then again, I’m still contemplating how to ride my Vespa with our little girl so I’m probably not the right person to ask.

  • Reply Caryn June 5, 2013 at 10:04 am

    1. Groceries. Sunday afternoon. (Note to self: as a single person, grocery shopping on Sunday afternoon is not a good idea)
    2. Gmail. Facebook. Newspapers.
    3. A house so I can paint all the walls!
    4. Screech. Definitely Screech. Probably because I not so secretly wanted to be part of the SBTB gang.
    5. How to make money doing prancercize. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-50GjySwew)

    • Reply Chris June 5, 2013 at 11:26 am

      So tonight I’m going to do this on my run. Thank you for introducing me to real fitness.

      • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:00 am

        Video or it didn’t happen.

    • Reply MomofTwoPreciousGirls June 5, 2013 at 9:42 pm

      I haven’t visited the link, but at first glance I thought “reindeer exercise routine” strange…lol

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:00 am

      I’ve already forced Joanna to watch the Pracercise woman three or four times. I’m having a harder time learning her moves though. But its money-making abilities definitely warrants a discussion.

  • Reply Lizzy K. June 5, 2013 at 10:14 am

    1) 2 beers last night at trivia
    2) Gmail, bloglovin, CNN, Facebook
    3) I like to think I’m saving for a good vacation. In reality, I know I won’t touch that money, so it’s buffer in case something happens money.
    4) Urkel all the way!
    5) How you avoid impulse buys and have fun on a budget. And yes, avoid the how to make money with your stay-at-home cat. haha

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:03 am

      Your #3 happens to us more often than not. We need to do a better job of using our money for having fun when we budget/save it for that purpose.

      #5 is a great suggestion. Thanks.

  • Reply Jennifer June 5, 2013 at 10:15 am

    1. A chicken Burrito from Taco bell for supper last night.
    2. Facebook, my email, moneysavingmom.com and dealdetectingdiva.com
    3. School so I don’t have to take out any more loans. And what I am expecting will be the co pay for when my son is born next month.
    4. Urkel, because his geeky was too smart for his own good kind of geeky.
    5. I am loving your baby girl updates. Not really a huge fan of the 50 states series and that just could be because I am so content in my own state I am not interested in reading about other ones.

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:21 am

      Hooray to #3! Well, not the school loans or the copay, but the baby boy.

      I’m super jealous of you forever state-rs. That’s awesome that you’ve found yours.

  • Reply Michelle June 5, 2013 at 10:22 am

    What/when was your last purchase? – Chinese food last night 🙂

    What websites do you visit every morning? – The list is endless! You’re on this list though 🙂

    Other than retirement and/or debt, what are you saving for? – New house!

    Choose one: Screech or Urkel? – This is a toughy 🙂

    Topic(s) you’d like to see us cover. Or not. – Hmmm maybe a recipe? Or more about your jobs and family!

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:22 am

      We haven’t done any recipes in a while. And believe you me, Joanna’s got some goodies.

  • Reply Elvin @ Journey To Millions June 5, 2013 at 10:33 am

    1. I bought bread for tomorrow’s breakfast.
    2. Is Yahoo Mail considered as a website? Usually, I do flipboard in my iTouch.
    3. We’re saving for our education next year, or are we? Haha. Still having doubts if we’ll get a masters degree.
    4. I have no idea.
    5. Just surprise us. 🙂

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:23 am

      I know a lot of friends that went through the same back-and-forth about getting their MBA. But if you don’t, at least you’ve got some money in the bank to put toward something else.

  • Reply Marlene June 5, 2013 at 10:35 am

    1 – balloons for a co-workers birthday

    2 – feedly, pinterest, redfin, facebook

    3 – new house

    4 – neither 😉

    5 – maybe more about day to day spending and purchases you make. Where does your fun money go? We give each other 20 a week to spend on anything we want. DH buys fountain drinks between jobs. Vegas is HOT right now lol. I go out to eat with coworkers or roll it forward if nothing comes up that week.

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:28 am

      Even with 5,000 guesses, I don’t think I would have predicted “balloons” to be an answer to #1. You’re a good coworker pal.

      And #5 is a great suggestion, thanks.

  • Reply Miranda June 5, 2013 at 10:40 am

    1) A biscuit for breakfast. ‘Twas delicious.
    2) Google (email); Bloglovin; Facebook; Pinterest; Bank account
    3) At the moment… nothing. But someday, home improvement/decor.
    4) Urkel. Those glasses. Those suspenders. Swoon!
    5) Bloggy stuff… Is that vague enough?

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:30 am

      #5 could probably be a little more vague. “Stuff” or “More words” would have probably worked. 🙂

  • Reply Richard June 5, 2013 at 11:04 am

    1. This morning I paid Daycare for the month of June. However, the last non-monthly item was a birthday card for my mom on Sunday!
    2. Aside from OFB – I read about the Pittsburgh Pirates and check on my Fantasy Baseball team! Then WSJ and CNBC.
    3. We’re saving for our next “forever” home and 4-month old boy’s 529!
    4. What am I picking them for? If I wanted someone to build me a time/make-over machine – then Urkel (aka Stefan). If I wanted someone to enter a dance contest with after spraining my ankle – then it’s Lisa Turtle, sorry Screech.
    5. What are your saving portals? Do you keep in the bank? A brokerage? Money Markets? Stock Market?

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:33 am

      Your Pirates are playing fantastic. Wish I could say the same for my Dodgers. And I stopped looking at my fantasy team weeks ago. It’s that bad.

      You make a great point with #4. And correct answers in both instances.

  • Reply Sara June 5, 2013 at 11:07 am

    1.) Groceries. A trip that involved spending $80 to feed a family of three for 2 weeks, and my 5-year-old screaming “I LOVE PISTACHIOS!” in the middle of Aldi’s.
    2.) Questionable Content web comic, YHL, Facebook (for work, I swear!).
    3.) A new mattress.
    4.) Urkel all the way.
    5.) I love the Back to Basics series. I’m fairly new to budgeting, so it’s a big help. I’d like to know more about snowballing debt.

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:34 am

      Hahaha. “I LOVE PISTACHIOS!” That kid deserves some high-fives. And some pistachios.

  • Reply Budget and the Beach June 5, 2013 at 11:08 am

    1. Yesterday I bought a gelato. Totally worth it.
    2. Google reader, Facebook
    3. My emergency fun, a new (used) car, and a vacation.
    4. Neither. It was a little after my time so I never watched either shows.
    5. The love the ‘States” series.

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:36 am

      I’m guessing “emergency fun” was a typo, BUT you might have just Freudian slipped a brilliant concept. The Emergency Fun Fund — for when life squeezes lemons in your eyes and you need an emergency pick-me-up. I like it.

      • Reply Sara June 7, 2013 at 1:16 pm

        It’s hard to say no when he requests things like pistachios, carrots and watermelon. Sometimes I go over the grocery budget when he’s with me.

  • Reply joanna @ I won't be a hoarder, too June 5, 2013 at 11:21 am

    1. Fish oil vitamins. They say it’s good for a pesky little health problem I have…not seeing the effects yets. May need a few more weeks. If it works, it’ll be so worth the money.
    2. MyYahoo, money.msn.com, washington post, new york times, and often our credit card.
    3. A new couch.
    4. What’s TV?
    5. What to do when you can’t seem to stop spending. Specifically on clothes.

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:38 am

      I’ve heard similar things about #1, but I tend to be a skeptic. Do share if you see worthwhile results.

      #5 seems to be a common sentiment. We’re on it.

  • Reply Chris June 5, 2013 at 11:25 am

    1. A graphic tee from last night when I had insomnia…
    2. OFB! thefirearmblog.com, gunnuts.net, cnbc.com
    3. Well…Anything really. Possibly moving, buying a house, emergencies.
    4. Urkel. Urkel was amazing.
    5. …hm. Maybe some investing stuff. Or accepting and managing change in your life (like new budget — how to adapt)

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:43 am

      Seems like OFB is a natural fit with your first two must-visit sites.

      #5 is good. We’ll definitely have some topics on the later in the coming months.

  • Reply lindy June 5, 2013 at 11:49 am

    1. Bought a fruit bouquet for M.I.L bday gift. Bought a few groceries on Sunday for the week.
    2. Hometown news page, CBC news (Canada), online banking websites, PF blogs –> in that order!
    3. Trip to Ireland with my friend in 15 months. Started saving for a Christmas trip and gifts a few weeks ago.
    4. Screech – the SBTB crew was so cool.
    5. I like life updates and the realistic things like jobs/career tips, saving for a baby, marriage stuff

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:46 am

      I don’t know if I’m more impressed that you have trip planned 15 months from now or that you’re saving for it. Either way, super awesome.

      Thanks for your feedback on #5.

  • Reply Sara @ Fit.Fun.Femme June 5, 2013 at 2:05 pm

    YAY – this is so fun! I’m with Joanna – I feel sorry for Screech, too.

    What/when was your last purchase? Just bought doggie flea meds online. So exciting…such is my life.
    What websites do you visit every morning? Bloglovin, my blog/wordpress
    Other than retirement and/or debt, what are you saving for? A house :). And of course a safety net.
    Choose one: Screech or Urkel? Screech
    Topic(s) you’d like to see us cover. Or not. Can’t wait for the “How to Make a Budget” post!

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 12:57 am

      Ehhh, I think Screech probably deserved his nerd-dom. On the plus side, Screech got to hang with Zac and Slater and Kelly Kapowski. So I wouldn’t feel all too bad for him.

  • Reply Emory June 5, 2013 at 2:17 pm

    1. I spent $15 on a Flag Test for a series called Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage. Totally worth the money.

    2. Groupon, Livingsocial, gmail, Facebook, this blog and a few others. All in that order.

    3. We are saving for a home, or a major accident. Whichever comes first. I also like to think my savings could go towards my dream of traveling the world. Guess we will see.

    4. Definitely Screech. Urkel’s voice annoyed me.

    5. Would like to hear more from stay-at-home parents on what they do to supplement income. I hope to be a stay-at-home parent one day, but will probably need to be supplementing my husbands income so I am open to ideas.

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 1:03 am

      Let’s hope a home comes first with #3. No one likes major accidents.

      We’ve got some more SAH money-makers posts in store. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Reply Stefanie June 5, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    1. Four six-packs of cookies. I have no regrets.
    2. Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and lately Candy Crush (I know!)
    3. So I can peace out and quit my job.
    4. Urkel, or Stefan, as I like to remember.
    5. How to make a million dollars by clicking links on the internet. Okay, not really.

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 1:12 am

      1. Nor should you.
      2. I know nothing about the Candy Crush game only that grown men shouldn’t advertise that they play it to friends (like a few of mine have done).
      5. On it.

  • Reply EcoCatLady June 5, 2013 at 2:38 pm

    1. Baby food & prednisone for my sick kitty.
    2. Google News, Google Adsense, Blogger Dashboard
    3. I don’t save for specific things. I just live on as little as possible and everything else (should I be so lucky) goes into savings.
    4. Hmmmm… I’m sure those words mean something, but I have no earthly idea what. STOP MAKING ME FEEL OLD! 🙂
    5. I dunno… so far I’ve enjoyed everything you’ve written!

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 1:17 am

      Noooo, not sick kitty. That’s never fun. As far as #4, I realize now that both of those words must seem reallllly weird if you don’t know the shows they’re from. Saved by the Bell and Family Matters. I was basically raised on both and assume that everyone else was too. 🙂

  • Reply the Norwegian Girl June 5, 2013 at 2:45 pm

    1. milk, tomatoes, eggs.
    2. Aftenposten (Norwegian Newspaper), Outlook, Twitter
    3. Travel, Travel, Travel<3
    4. Urkel
    5. fun posts (haha, most random and not at all helpful, I know:-p)

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 1:27 am

      #5 is surprisingly helpful. I think we need to remember to have fun with every post we write, otherwise what’s the point. So thanks.

  • Reply Beth @ BandBBuildALife.com June 5, 2013 at 3:25 pm

    1 – Tuesday mid morning, pre-made salad, salsa, tostitos with a hint of lime….. and tastykakes. Gotta keep it balanced!
    2 – FEEDLY. I abandoned ship as soon as I heard Google Reader was going away so as to avoid the day when I opened it and it was gone and I’d have to drown my sorrows in that box of tastykakes I mentioned. Feedly has proven to be a great alternative, and helps me read the goodies before the other blogs that I only half-ass follow. (don’t worry, you’re on the fav’s list)
    3 – I have a system. I use the virtual wallet from PNC, plus I have what used to be ING Direct. My ‘growth’ (savings) account with PNC is my more liquid savings. It is usually for things like my quarterly auto insurance, or the occasional month when my CC payment is higher than the norm. Then I have the BIG KID STUFF account with ING (Capital One) which I DO.NOT.TOUCH. And those dollas are dog-eared for things like a wedding and house. And then my second ING account is where I usually dump a little of my tax rebate check, plus add to monthly. The balance is significantly smaller than the Big Kid account, but the funds are used on a roughly annual basis for travel. Like my recent trip to Europe with a few friends, or my annual trip with Bill to OBX. (all recent blog posts)
    4 – Urkel! I met Dustin Diamond and in person he was a total creeper. Plus I mean, Urkel had the whole Stephan thing going for him too.
    5 – I love your snowball method for paying off things and have looked into doing it myself. (would like to have my student loans paid off before buying a house in the next few years). Trouble is my loans are all lumped together, and when I write a check it’s to one place and the money gets distributed throughout the loans. How do I break them apart? Or better yet, what door do I need to bang on at Sallie Mae to at least get human answers? If you could cover more ‘troubleshooting’ type details, that would be super helpful!

    You guys are awesome and I’m so glad Roo @NeonFresh gave you props so I could find you!

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 1:46 am

      1. Gotta.
      2. I need to be better about sticking to Feedly. But old habits are hard to break.
      3. Now THAT’S a system. Thanks for sharing. And your Europe trip looked awesome. I’ve never had much desire to visit France, but you did a mighty fine job of swaying me. Looks like you had an awesome time.
      4. You just validated my assumption.
      5. Interesting. I’ve never heard of that. Anyone else out there got any suggestions? If not, we’ll try to look into it. Or we’ll threaten to punch Sallie Mae in the face.

  • Reply Colleen June 5, 2013 at 3:40 pm

    1.What/when was your last purchase? Skinny caramel latte from Starbucks
    2.What websites do you visit every morning? YOURS 🙂 , MSN, Andthenwesaved.com
    3.Other than retirement and/or debt, what are you saving for? Vacations and a house
    4.Choose one: Screech or Urkel? Urkel
    5.Topic(s) you’d like to see us cover. Or not. -Staying motivated with paying off debt!

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 1:49 am

      #5 is a seriously overlooked topic. We’ll definitely look at covering it in more detail soon. Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Reply MomofTwoPreciousGirls June 5, 2013 at 9:34 pm

    What/when was your last purchase? Pizza…3 hours ago oh and tiramisu for dessert! What did you say about being judgy??????
    What websites do you visit every morning? Yours! FB and my email
    Other than retirement and/or debt, what are you saving for? College/kids.they have more than we do!
    Choose one: Screech or Urkel? Tough call…I preferred (LOVED) Saved By The Bell, but I was all about Zach Morris! Screech was annoying though…I loved Urkel, he was hilarious.
    Topic(s) you’d like to see us cover. Or not. I’m looking forward to the budget basics series. Love to read others’ processes!

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 1:53 am

      1. Haha. This sounds like a perfect meal.
      3. Sad, but not really. I remember watching shows on the Discovery Channel about insects that live only a few days, mate, have babies, then die, and I’d think “How dumb are those things to just live and die for babies?”… and then we had a baby. So what I’m saying is we’re basically fruit flies with longer lifespans. 🙂
      4. My thoughts exactly.

  • Reply Michelle June 5, 2013 at 10:23 pm

    1.) Toilet paper and cotton balls (you can never have enough)
    2.) Twitter and gmail
    3.) Umm, am I saving? But really-TRAVEL!! Always.
    4.) Urkel-that one is too easy
    5.) Dream place to travel, how you imagine baby girl’s high school graduation, family/friend dynamics and money, a juicy rant!

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 1:55 am

      I still don’t know the purpose of cotton balls. And #5 includes some fantastic suggestions. Thanks mucho.

  • Reply Becky @ RunFunDone June 6, 2013 at 12:01 am

    1) Bus fare a few hours ago (saving money AND the environment).
    2) gmail.
    3) Our three savings categories are House, Car, Travel.
    4) Screech. I still love him. Urkel I thought was annoying, Screech is just so sweet.
    5) Traveling on a budget!

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 1:57 am

      We’ve got some upcoming travel this summer, so we’ll be sure to post on our budgeting expeditions. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Reply Becky @ RunFunDone June 6, 2013 at 12:04 am

    Okay, I’m scanning comments, and I’m super upset that everyone is picking Urkel! I was 9-years-old and still know that “Did I do that?” was just really not that funny! You know what IS funny?

    Mr Belding: Screech, you can’t elope!
    Screech: Who ya callin a cantelope, you melon head?

    So funny!

    • Reply Johnny June 6, 2013 at 1:59 am

      Haha. I love the Screech passion. And you’re right, Screech was probably funnier. But it doesn’t change the fact that he was/is pretty creepy, too.

  • Reply Sarah June 6, 2013 at 11:57 am

    The last thing I purchased was acne spot treatment…because I’m 26 and can’t figure out WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY FACE! haha

    Instagram, FB, YHL, Bower Power and as of two days ago, OFB

    We are saving to make a move across the state to the beach town where I grew up.
    Urkel, because Screech pron/shenanigans weirds me out.

    I am a new reader but I would love a “how to make a budget” post, and to know whether or not you guys make a bad purchase and then return it or live with it. We are overcoming impulse buying and it’s hard to know which to do sometimes….stupid target with their $75 rule.

    • Reply Johnny June 10, 2013 at 12:40 am

      Anything described as “beach town” is a worthy goal to save toward in my mind. Congrats!

      Great suggestions for posts! Check Monday’s post for a few methods we’ve used to hold back on impulse buys.

  • Reply Jules June 6, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    1. All you can eat sushi for dinner the other night with my sister in law.
    2. news, personal blogs to catch up on, Design blogs to see what’s new
    3. Our baby that is coming in the fall and hopeful future vacations
    4. Screetch…he was slightly less annoying and still funny
    5. more about how you have made it work as a new family of 3…with that slacker young new ‘un not bringing home any bacon 😉

    • Reply Johnny June 10, 2013 at 12:52 am

      1. Probably the best most-recent expense I’ve seen in these comments.
      3. Hooray babies!
      5. Great suggestion. Although we still haven’t fully figured out what to do with that little slacker. It’s probably time for a chore chart.

  • Reply E.M. June 6, 2013 at 3:46 pm

    1. Moving truck last Saturday. Not fun.
    2. Gmail, Google Reader
    3. Hopefully a vacation, but taking time off is harder than saving!
    4. I never watched it
    5. I like the he said/she said posts; it’s interesting to see both of your takes on things, and it generates some good discussion! I really do like all the posts here, though. I love the sense of humor you two have 🙂

    • Reply Johnny June 10, 2013 at 12:55 am

      1. Moving trucks are my mortal frenemy. Hate moving, love saving money.
      3. Isn’t that the truth. I usually end up with a bunch of PTO at the end of the year when it’s too cold for an ideal vacation. But any time off is better than no time off.

  • Reply Tabitha June 7, 2013 at 10:19 am

    1. Groceries – Thursday (In-laws are coming this weekend! I’m actually genuinely really looking forward to the visit)
    2. Gmail, FB, Pinterest
    3. Our next vehicle & The Emergency fund
    4. I’ll go with Urkel (“Did I do that?”)
    5. I’m a new reader of your blog (I check it about every 2-3 days – hence why this comment is 2 days after you posted….) and I really like it! However I don’t know everything you’ve covered, I’m eagerly awaiting the following parts to your “Back to Basics” and I would be interesting in seeing more along that same line. Also I would be interesting in reading how you both use your “blow money” how do you manage only $20 a month each?

    • Reply Johnny June 10, 2013 at 1:00 am

      Thanks for stopping by, Tabitha! We do need to a better job of documenting our “blow money” expenses and how/why we’ve limited it to $20/month. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Reply Michelle's Finance Journal June 7, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    1. Grocery on Sunday
    2. Bank account, Facebook
    3. Emergency Fund, the small one that the 3-6 month one.
    4. I don’t like any of them. Urkel destroyed your house and meddle with your family and Screech was annoying and clueless. If I really had to choose, I’ll go with Urkel since he at least seemd genuine and smart.
    5. I like everything so far. I can’t think of anything specific right now.

    • Reply Johnny June 10, 2013 at 1:05 am

      I will always go with the genuine, smart uninvited houseguest over the annoying, clueless one. Good choice.

  • Reply Brittany June 8, 2013 at 10:33 pm

    1. Slurpees and drinks after boating
    2. Coupons4utah, Hip2save, Facebook
    3. We are planning a 6-wk trip to Costa Rica next June. Hoping to get our kids fluent in Spanish.
    4. Not a big fan of either character
    5. I would love some more posts on investing.

    • Reply Johnny June 10, 2013 at 1:07 am

      1. Welp, you made me realize whatever my lame last expense was will never ever be as ideal as this one. Sounds amazing.
      3. That’s an awesome goal. Buena suerte en paraiso!

  • Reply sarah @makingitmyhome.blogspot.com June 12, 2013 at 10:12 pm

    1.What/when was your last purchase? Getting gas this morning. Not very exciting
    2.What websites do you visit every morning? Pathetically, facebooj.
    3.Other than retirement and/or debt, what are you saving for? Saving to be able to take a summer off from work (I work in a school)
    4.Choose one: Screech or Urkel? Screech. But that’s because he is friends with Zach Morris and I had the biggest crush on him
    5.Topic(s) you’d like to see us cover. Or not.
    I just started following the blog but I love it! keep it up

    • Reply Johnny June 22, 2013 at 11:28 am

      Saving to be able to take summer off sounds amazing. I’ve always wondered if teachers all take the summer off, but it sounds like you keep busy throughout the year. Best of luck with your goal!

  • Reply Riany June 19, 2013 at 12:22 am

    1. What/when was your last purchase?
    an expensive ojek ride to work because i was to lazy to wake up early. *ojek ride is one of public transportation popular in Indonesia, it’s like taxi, but with motorcycle, great to against the traffic.

    2. What websites do you visit every morning?
    learnvest. log my spendings, know what my net worth, the chart, etc. im visual kind of person.

    3. Other than retirement and/or debt, what are you saving for?
    i save for an emergency, anniversary trip to Lembang in October 2013, my bangkok trip in August 2013, also my japan trip in October 2013, and coming trip in August 2014.

    4. Choose one: Screech or Urkel?
    Neither one.

    5. Topic(s) you’d like to see us cover. Or not.
    I am loking for how to make holiday budget!

    • Reply Johnny June 22, 2013 at 11:39 am

      I googled “ojek ride” and I think I need to visit Indonesia just so I can give it a try. With busy traffic, that thing looks crazy.

      Thanks for visiting halfway across the world! The internet is awesome.

      • Reply Riany June 24, 2013 at 12:35 am

        Hi Johnny, yes you should give an ojek ride a try! also you need to visit Indonesia, there’re lots to enjoy here, in example Bali, Gili Air, Gili Trawangan, Bunaken, Raja Ampat. lots! 🙂

  • Reply Lauren June 23, 2013 at 11:52 am

    1. What/when was your last purchase? last night online – super sale on jeans I needed plus I had a coupon. I can’t help sales on Gap
    What websites do you visit every morning? bloglovin, facebook, and pinterest
    Other than retirement and/or debt, what are you saving for? a car!
    Choose one: Screech or Urkel? Urkel… Did I do that?
    Topic(s) you’d like to see us cover. Or not. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Really enjoy this blog

    I commented on one of these a couple months back, and I would like to report that I am completely debt free! My student loan is all paid off and I couldn’t feel any lighter then I do right now!

    • Reply Johnny June 23, 2013 at 11:09 pm

      AAWWEESSOOMMEE!! Best news I’ve heard all day — well this and that Twinkies will be back on the shelf soon. 🙂 Congratulations! There’s nothing better than that light, unchained feeling. You definitely deserve those super sale, couponed Gap jeans.

      Seriously, congrats. So awesome.

  • Reply Christina July 22, 2013 at 12:17 pm

    Groceries, yesterday (Sunday)
    Facebook, Goodreads, Google News
    A home of our own and travel to New Zealand
    Urkel, I like a man that knows what he wants
    How to budget in starting your own business

    • Reply Johnny August 6, 2013 at 4:21 am

      Oooo, starting a new business! That would be a fun topic to cover. Since we’re pretty novice in that area, I’ll have to find a good guest poster to cover that awesome topic. Great suggestion.

  • Reply Brandy August 2, 2013 at 1:30 pm

    I’m a little late to the party but here we go.

    1.What/when was your last purchase? Jamba Juice, this morning on the way to work. I’m addicted to that stuff. Kona Berry with Chia, if you were interested.
    2.What websites do you visit every morning? Gmail. Bank accounts. Learnvest occasionally, and Groupon/Amazon Local
    3.Other than retirement and/or debt, what are you saving for? To see my mommy. I love my mommy. And she (unfortunatly) lives 6 hours east of here in AZ. Also general travel. I’ve never been out of the country.
    4.Choose one: Screech or Urkel? Urkel. Without a doubt. Even though I was a bigger fan of Saved by the Bell, Urkel was just, I don’t know, more genuine.
    5.Topic(s) you’d like to see us cover. Or not. I like the idea of how to make money with your stay-at-home cat. I have three of them. And they are expensive with their fancy food and fancy litter. Investing is always good along with credit. Never can go wrong with how to improve your credit.

    • Reply Johnny August 6, 2013 at 4:23 am

      I used to work at Jamba Juice, so I can still make a pretty mean smoothie. And agreed on your Urkel choice. Saved By the Bell was a much better show, but Urkel wore the nerd card a lot classier than Screech.

      Thanks for the topic suggestions!

  • Reply Marcie August 9, 2013 at 8:35 am

    I’m DEFINITELY late to the party, but I just found your blog and LOVE!

    1. Jimmy John’s for lunch on Tuesday (GO ME!)
    2. gmail, my blog/new blog posts in my Blogger feed, twitter
    3. absolutely nothing. Any and all expendable income I have is going toward paying off my student loans. I’m chronicling my journey over on my blog.
    4. Man, that Stefan… he was something.
    5. If you did any can-we-afford-to-have-a-baby? budgeting prior to conception, I’m very interested in seeing that!!

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