Maximizing Your Budget Series

  • Maximizing Your Non-Discretionary

    Maximizing Your Budget: Non-Discretionary


    It’s the last month of our Maximizing Your Budget series! We’ve fleshed out each and every budget category this year and how to maximizing your savings on each. And we’ve come to the very last category, which is perhaps the most simple of all — non-discretionary spending. The thing about…

  • Maximizing Your Phone and TV

    Maximizing Your Budget: Internet, Cell Phone, and Cable


    Well, it’s November, which means we’ve reached our second-to-last category for maximizing your budget in 2015. Next month we’ll discuss non-discretionary spending, and then this series will be complete and we’ll all be budgeting wizards! Today we’ll be discussing how to maximize your Internet, cell phone, and cable bills. These…

  • Maximizing Your Gifts

    Maximizing Your Budget: Gifts


    In 2015, we’re putting extra emphasis on budgeting since it’s a must for financial success. Each month, we tackle a different category, and by year’s end, we’ll have one big resource for maximizing your entire budget. Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong…. That could be the start of any…

  • Maximizing Your Budget: Clothing

    Maximizing Your Budget: Clothing


    In 2015, we’re putting extra emphasis on budgeting since it’s a must for financial success. Each month, we tackle a different category, and by year’s end, we’ll have one big resource for maximizing your entire budget. Johnny and I just finished purging our closets and drawers of all our unwanted clothing…

  • Maximizing Your Entertainment

    Maximizing Your Budget: Entertainment


    In 2015, we’re putting extra emphasis on budgeting since it’s a must for financial success. Each month, we tackle a different category, and by year’s end, we’ll have one big resource for maximizing your entire budget. The Entertainment portion of our budget is the one I feel least qualified to write…

  • Maximizing Your Savings

    Maximizing Your Budget: Retirement & Savings


    Don’t ex out of this tab. Don’t do it! Okay, good. So maybe we’ve arrived at the most boring topic of our Maximizing Your Budget series. I’ll give you that. But it also happens to be the most important. Unlike other budgeting categories that can sometimes be in decent shape…

  • Maximizing Your Home and Personal

    Maximizing Your Budget: Home & Personal


    In 2015, we’re putting extra emphasis on budgeting since it’s a must for financial success. Each month, we tackle a different category, and by year’s end, we’ll have one big resource for maximizing your entire budget. Our Home & Personal category has an array of uses in our budget. It covers…

  • Maximizing Your Grocery Budget

    Maximizing Your Budget: Groceries


    In 2015, we’re putting extra emphasis on budgeting since it’s a must for financial success. Each month, we tackle a different category, and by years’ end, we’ll have one big resource for maximizing your entire budget. One question we get asked more than almost any other is How do you keep…

  • Maximizing Your Budget: Baby Supplies

    Maximizing Your Budget in 2015: Baby Supplies


    In 2015, we’re putting extra emphasis on budgeting since it’s a must for financial success. Each month, we tackle a different category, and by years’ end, we’ll have one big resource for maximizing your entire budget. What better time to write about the Baby Supplies portion of the budget than…

  • Maximizing Your Vacations

    Maximizing Your Budget in 2015: Vacations


    We’re counting down the days to the weekend. As one final hurrah before we become a family of four, we’re headed down to DC for a few days to relax, spend time with some family there, and meet up with the Underwoods. And we’re going to drive an actual car!!…