What If Wednesdays

  • What If Wednesday: You Won the Lottery

    What If Wednesday: Bridesmaid in Hawaii


    In the What If Wednesday series, we transport to a hypothetical alternate-reality and watch life play out. And we do it on Wednesday, because alliteration. You’re perusing Facebook (at work… shhh!) one fine Wednesday morning when you see the news. Martha (or Jenny, or what have you) is engaged! Yes,…

  • What If Wednesday: You Won the Lottery

    What If Wednesday: You Won the Lottery. Now What?


    In the What If Wednesday series, we transport to a hypothetical alternate-reality and watch life play out. And we do it on Wednesday, because alliteration. Against your better judgement, you bought a lottery ticket for the $5 million dollar jackpot. Your crazy, impulsive friend kept taunting you with “But what…

  • What If Wednesday

    What If Wednesday: Zombies Are Coming


    In the What If Wednesday series, we transport to a hypothetical alternate-reality and watch life play out. And we do it on Wednesday, because alliteration. Alright, you know the drill by now. Put on your imagination caps. You’re eating lunch when you get an unexpected call from your brother. He…

  • What If Wednesday

    What If Wednesday: Organ For Sale


    In the What If Wednesday series, we transport to a hypothetical alternate-reality and watch life play out. And we do it on Wednesday, because alliteration. You are now entering… the What If Wednesday zone. Cue spiraling circles and paralyzingly hypnotic (and catchy) dubstep. Another Wednesday. You wake up, shower, eat…

  • What If Wednesday: You Won the Lottery

    What If Wednesday: Lending Dough to the Fam


    In the What If Wednesday series, we transport to a hypothetical alternate-reality and watch life play out. And we do it on Wednesday, because alliteration. As I sat across the (probably fake) mahogany desk from the slightly slimy sales associate, I realized this was probably the most important decision I…

  • What If Wednesday: 18 Again


    In the What If Wednesday series, we transport to a hypothetical alternate-reality and watch life play out. And we do it on Wednesday, because alliteration. You’re sound asleep, dreaming. It’s a good dream. You’re young again, living up the summer after high school graduation. Your favorite song by [band that…

  • What If Wednesday

    What If Wednesday: Losing Your Job


    In the What If Wednesday series, we transport to a hypothetical alternate-reality and watch life play out. And we do it on Wednesday, because alliteration. Close your eyes. Nope… that doesn’t work. Okay. Let’s start over. Kind of close your eyes, only until there’s a tiny slit for you to…