Monthly Baby Costs: Month Four


With all the craziness of moving, we just about forgot that little Wynn turned four months old! I remember keeping track of Sally’s age week by week for almost the entire first year, but that’s already long gone for poor Wynn. But she does get one post a month dedicated just to her, so hopefully our second child isn’t being too neglected!

General Baby Thoughts

Babies just get more fun each and every month the first year. Wynn loves being a part of the action at home, so aware of every little movement or sound in the room she’s in. Nothing makes her smile or laugh more easily than her big sister, Sally. She especially thinks sneezing is worth a giggle, so we all fake sneeze for her several times a day. Winnie is also a little mover now! She loves splashing in her seat in the tub and rolling onto her belly anytime we lay her on the floor. She’s also constantly covered in slobber, trying to eat her fists and feet and anything else in sight. When she’s not tired or hungry, she continues to have such a happy, sweet disposition. Wynn is becoming a little chunk like her sister was, and we’re planning to stick to nursing until she turns six months, just to keep things simple.

Financial Baby Thoughts

We’re still going strong on buying the bare minimum for Wynn. She’s started to love grabbing toys, but we have several of Sally’s that are in great condition still. She’s also started using Sally’s old Jumperoo, so we haven’t had to spend money there, either. My advice to anyone who’s had one child and is thinking of having another: hold onto your stuff! It’s seriously saved us tons of money this go-around. This month we spent $35 on diapers and $21 on wipes. So our baby expenses total for the month comes to $56. We’re feeling pretty great about our baby spending this time around, which is nice since we have a second, older child to spend money on, too!

And now for my favorite part — here are a few pictures of our giggly, little four-month-old:

Wynn Four Months

Wynn Four Months

We started tracking Sally’s expenses when she was four months old, so I’m looking forward to comparing the two from here on out. If you’d like to compare with me, Sally’s four-month update is posted here.

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  • Reply Ali @ Anything You Want August 24, 2015 at 8:28 am

    What a cutie!

    It is quite amazing that you are able to spend so little on Wynn. People often think that babies are so expensive, but you really illustrate that they don’t have to be (at least not right away). Even if you don’t have an older sibling to provide hand-me-downs, I would imagine that you could get a lot of baby necessities from friends with kids, or even a thrift store, to keep the spending down.

  • Reply Brian August 24, 2015 at 2:30 pm

    Great job! Keep it up. We have been able to keep our costs pretty low because our little ones are 6 months behind a couple friends kids so we get a lot of hand me downs, which we then pass onto others.

  • Reply Ramona August 25, 2015 at 6:12 am

    She is sooooooooo cute 🙂

    My daughter is 18 months now, pretty big and strong. And she’s always in motion.

    We are doing better with her expenses, since we have bought many clothes this spring (got some nice deals) and she has few items needed right now.

  • Reply Mrs. Crackin' the Whip August 25, 2015 at 11:24 am

    Such cute pictures!

  • Reply Michelle September 4, 2015 at 7:59 am

    Wynn is so freaking cute. I love these posts even though I don’t have kids because it shows you can manage your children’s expenses and keep them pretty low. Basically, kids don’t have to be as expensive as we make them.

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