As we type this, our eyes are heavy and Baby Girl’s diaper is full. That little cutie is kicking our butts. She gave us her first real smiles this week, though, so overall, the week was a success.
Here are a few things happening around the blog worth telling you about:
- Our February Giveaway Challenge is running strong. If you haven’t entered already, find a budget category (ex. eating out) that you want to spend less on this month. And just for participating, you’re eligible to win a $25 Amazon gift card. So get at it!
- So someone accidentally nominated us for Top Personal Finance Blog of 2012. If you want to accidentally vote for us, you can do so here.
- And FINALLY, we’ve been invited to participate in a Love and Money Google Hangout next week. It’ll be going down on Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. EST over here on Google+, so don’t miss us making fools of ourselves. Or do.
And as always, if you want to stay in the OFB loop, please subscribe to our RSS feed, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Also, if you’ve got any pressing questions, post ideas, or comments, we’d love to hear them via email at
Joanna’s | Johnny’s |
2006 Vespa LX 150 – $2095 – We figured out a solution to our one-car family dilemma. And thanks to some wheelin’ and dealin’ by yours truly, it ended up being a smoking deal.
- This might be a week or two old, but we really liked Michelle’s post declaring that she’ll never be a frugal blogger. We’re of a similar mindset that living frugally does NOT have to mean living miserably.
- So what do you do when you start getting a little dough in every paycheck? If you’re Ninja at Punch Debt in the Face, you throw it back into 401k. See what his extra $2500/year in 401k will amount to in 40 years.
- While we talked about the realities of city living in NYC, Budget and the Beach broke down the pros and cons of city living in LA, my hometown. After reading one paragraph, you’ll want to move there tomorrow; in the next, you’d rather move to Fargo (no offense, Fargo-ites).
- Want to save a few bucks on a V-Day card this year? [shake heads and applaud] Then I’ve got just the posts for you!… this is becoming a bad infomercial. So our super talented friend Roo at NeonFresh baked up some hilarious doodles and cards for your significant other. And for the ladies out there looking for a card that will make your guy’s heart flutter, check out some of these dude cards that Pretty Providence uncovered.
- And finally, remember listening to your computer’s modem scream alien and robot sounds to connect to that newfangled thing called the Internet? Well, according to this article, dial-up service is still AOL’s cash cow, responsible for more than all other profits at the company… seriously.
Have a freaking swell weekend!
Thanks for mentioning my post! And oh my what a cutie 🙂
Always well deserved. And enjoyed reading the Blogger of the Month interview with you. Go you!
Woo! So honored to be in the wrap-up. Your freaking baby is freaking adorable.
I’ve already told Joanna I expect an Arrested Development card. Thanks for making it happen.
Cute baby pic! I see that Baby Girl has a dimple in the chin just like me ! 🙂
And I always thought that cute little babies (especially girls) were always supposed to smell really sweet so what’s with the “full diaper” comment? Johnny, did you get the short straw for diaper duty and are slacking off blogging here instead? (evil grin)
Joanna and I both have the chin dimple, so she was doomed from the start. It doesn’t matter how busy my day is, diaper duty always finds a way on my schedule. Joanna makes sure of it. 🙂
Your baby is so freakin’ cute! Congrats on the nomination for Best Personal Finance Blog 2012!
Thanks, Michelle! Her cuteness starts wearing off around 4am when she’s screaming her head off. But she warms you back up to wanting to kiss her face off in no time.
No way in hell I’m moving to Fargo! 🙂 Maybe Fargo-adjascent? Thanks for the link love! And I’m so insanely jealous you have a vespa. I’ve secretly wanted one forever (banana colored with a tan seat). Very specific! Adorable baby photo!
You should totally join the scooter club! When we were back in LA for a summer, I had a scooter (a Kymco People, another solid model) and drove it to work via PCH every day. Nothing beat those rides.
Oh goodness, she just gets cuter every day – congrats on Baby Girl’s “birthday” and on the nomination too – you deserve it! Hope you are managing the storm ok over there. We saw the pics on the news last night: yikes! We’ve got our own smaller storm hitting here tonite. Oh, joy.
Thanks, Laurie! Hope the forecast looks brighter and warmer in your neck of the woods this week.
I am in love with that bum chin!
My bum chin + Joanna’s bum chin = Baby Girl super bum chin. She never had a chance. 🙂
What a cute baby! Congrats on the little one and the nomination!
Thanks! Just checked out your site and I love the design (and content). Look forward to following your blog.